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Hellooooooooo Earth! We are prepping for our next DF Direct Weekly and of course we want your weekly questions! Note, we will be recording on Friday this week due to some scheduling difficulties so the episode might be out later in the weekend, but you have been enjoying it extra early 2 weeks straight now so I suppose it balances out perfectly.

Among the things we discuss this week, well there has been some leaks, there's been a rather interesting Nintendo Switch update, so there are plenty of things to talk about.

Post your comments and questions below. But keep in mind, your questions don't need to be longform to explain context and such. When they get long, they get a bit hard to read as we record and we might get a bit lost in the process. We noticed questions getting longer and longer so just wanted to share some advice to ensure you get the answers you seek!



Hey there my fellow PS5 owners. I recently discovered that some newer 1440p gaming monitors with HDMI 2.0 ports accept the 4K signal of the PS5 and downsample it to 1440p for a very good looking image. I tested this with a friend’s Samsung G5 and I wondered why Sony can’t implement something simple like this on a system level, to at least give the users the option. This solution can’t be too hard to implement into a powerful next gen machine, right? And the second part to my question is this: Sony once said they would add support for 1440p output if demand is high enough. How do we tell them that there is demand? How complicated do you think adding native 1440p output is? (preferably with 120Hz support for HDMI 2.0 monitors) And is adding native 1440p support something viable via a system update or would it mean that all game devs have to update their game code? Thank you! 😊


Did Sony miss the mark with SSD upgrades by not taking advantage of their past innovations, the Memory Card?


There’s a certain look to CG from the mid 90s, which is best defined by being quite clean and high-poly but with relatively stark and basic lighting. It’s the kind of visual style you would have seen in Myst and Toy Story for instance, or in CG Final Fantasy cinematics. Uncharted 1 and Final Fantasy 14 seem to take some inspiration from this look, among others. Do you think there’s something appealing about this visual style, or is this period in CG best forgotten?


With all the remasters and remakes being produced at the minute, what are DF teams favourite or most disappointing remakes so far? Is there a game that hasn't had a remaster so far that you'd like to see, or would benefit from being remade with today's technology? Personally, I'm looking forward to the Powerslave Exhumed remaster by Nightdive studios.


I've seen a level of zealotry regarding black bars on an image from ultrawide monitor users that almost recalls the bad old days of pan-and-scan VHS presentations on 4:3 CRTs. Obviously, videogames are a different medium to film and there is no precise "original" picture to be recreated in a specific aspect ratio. However, there are visual and design elements that are still built around specific display constraints - just recently we heard that the Diablo II remaster will not support full ultrawide at launch because it breaks game logic and balancing. So my question is: is it always fair to expect ultrawide support as a standard feature on PC games? Technical issues aside, are there also artistic reasons that a developer might decide to restrict the aspect ratio of their game? Or in your opinion does it fall in with high/variable framerate support as a basic and essential feature in a PC title?

Mat Azel

Hi guys! new pc gamer here, rtx3080ti hooked up exclusively to an LG C9, with g-sync on and v-sync off, I do find myself needing to limit max fps to 117 in the nvidia control panel or I get screen tearing at time. My guess is that since the g-sync window on my set is 40-120, when a game is going above 118-120fps, g-sync isn't used hence the tearing. Am I doing this wrong? (I guess I could also turn g-sync off and set framerate to 120 and call it a day, but g-sync is too good to pass up, and my set doesn't support the different freesync options) thanks a million for your work guys, Cheers from France :)


What do you think is the most important next-gen feature developers should focus on? Are there any features that directly translate to a far better experience than the previous gen?


Already many wonderful questions here, keep em coming


Presumably AMD's hard at work trying to come up with their own solutions to compete with Nvidia's RT and DLSS tech. *puppet side-eye at FidelityFX* Care to speculate on: 1) When the mid-gen console refresh will happen; and 2) What kind of tech AMD will implement for it.

The Wooniest Woona

I like to take my DF Retro episodes and add them to my Plex server as a TV show. Plex allows you to add theme music to the show page. So my question is, what do you all think the best theme music for DF Retro would be. Yeah, it's kind of a silly question, but I figured it might be fun.

Jonas Taghizadeh (Taggen86)

Does FSR provide better image quality than checkerboarding? If not, why didnt AMD go for the latter?


Do you think Saturn port of Tomb Raider is even worth playing? I have also ps1. I recently bought it and have to say framerate is pretty dang bad in more open areas. Im at level 4 and been thinking maybe i should find ps1 copy and start again. Btw i have pc and ways to emulate but like playing original hardware so i dont want to emulate


Hey DF folks, Would you ever release any content that goes into depth on what's involved in producing content? I'd be really interested in your thought processes, techniques etc. For example, John mentioned he used Unreal 5 in the F-Zero video. That’s fascinating to me and I'd love to know more! Thanks for all your amazing work!


Deathloop seems to be having a hard time on PC performance wise. I've seen people with 3080s complaining about sub 60 fps. Oddly on my 2080ti I'm getting 60 at 4k and if I use dynamic resolution I can get up to 80 before I noticed a drop in resolution. So why are people with higher end hardware having such a bad time and also why does the game feel studdery even when you're at a locked 60 or say between 60 and 90 with VRR? Lastly the game needs to fix dark areas.. they look terrible even on an OLED


Personally I'd just stick it out unless TR on PS1 is $15 or less.


If real life had an LOD system, how would you set it up? (nº of levels, distances, polygons per person/object) I don't think the world would be ready for low poly people walking on the streets once a glitch in the matrix happens.


I used Fidelity FX for the first time yesterday while playing deathloop and I was honestly surprised how well it worked and good it looked and I'm a true believer in DLSS. Honestly it's odd DLSS isnt in the game!


Dolby vision games and higher frame rates get my vote


You have it right. On that display limit fps to 117, disable triple buffering, force vsync and turn on low latency mode.


How much DF direct hit's the cutting room floor after Audi has sculpted it? Any noteworthy bloopers?

Sven Dahlin

I've asked the question before, but I am not giving up... Alex: do you think that full path-tracing is the "endgame", with traditional rasterization becoming obsolete, at some point of time down the road? The promise of ray-tracing/path-tracing is CGI-quality in real time, but we would need new CPU architectures.


I'll try to take your advice on shortening questions! Why do you think most games aren't currently utilizing the hardware blocks for IO on PS5? I was surprised to hear Rich tell me this. I assumed that the CPU resources that this could free up being taken by IO tasks would make this desirable to many developers from day 1, but is it that very few titles yet have had the IO demands that would make this worthwhile?


I am trying out the new Bluetooth audio support for the Switch and have noticed significant controller input lag when playing docked with a third party controller (8bitdo Pro+) and Bluetooth audio. Has DF experienced this and is there an easy way to find the input lag time delay to validate my experience?


Do any of you have thoughts on the controversial recent Unity patent of Entity Component Systems? Unity Patents 'Methods and Apparatuses To Improve the Performance of a Video Game Engine Using An Entity Component System'


With Cross-Gen lingering for the foreseeable future, do you guys think this may be an extended generation with most of the "Next Gen" only features not being fully utilized until much later into the console gen?


Little Nightmares II is on sale on Xbox. Did they fix the ray-tracing issue?


would a custom 8c/16t cpu and 4 teraflop gpu (1/3 of 12tflop, so it has headroom at 1080p), be fitable in a mobile power envelope for a switch 2 or switch deck 2?

tod weitzel

After I went from Xbox 360 to PS4 in the last generation, I ended up buying an Xbox One X because it was literally cheaper than rebuying all my Rock Band and Rocksmith DLC on PSN. How does a Series S stack against the One X during this cross gen period through next year? I went from a base PS4 to a PS5 so I’m suited for next gen, but as for Game Pass and exclusives the One X seems to still have more life in it than the PS4 Pro does at this same time.

Eric Hurst

I have not heard much mention throughout all of the coverage of Knights of the Old Republic Remake that Aspyr Media previously developed the KOTOR Mac OS X port back in 2004. Do you think this specific experience they have with this game will be of benefit in a significant way to the remake, or does it just give them an excuse to put “worked on the original game” in the marketing in an attempt to assure fans that this won’t be a complete cash-grab of a remake that has little in common with its original game’s visual style, gameplay, or storytelling?


I have been playing and enjoying Tales of Arise on PC but at the same time I am disappointed by the poor graphical options. The game is being praised for it's visual quality but I find the unadjustable low LOD and aggressive NPC culling extremely distracting. It feels like the LOD is a relic of being designed to run on the base PS4 with little thought put into making adjustments available to PC players. Question: Why do poor PC ports continue to plague Japanese developed games? Some commonly found issues are locked frame rates, no 16x AF, and no widescreen support. How much effort does it take to open up these options to players?


Is there a solution for PCs with DisplayPort but not HDMI 2.1 to use one of the new fancy OLED TVs as a monitor with variable refresh and everything working properly? I'd have gotten a nice display by now but I'm using an RTX 20XX card.


You are trapped on an island with only one sports game, what is it?


People seem to forget that as a console gen wraps up, the scope of games become so demanding that the outgoing machines can barely handle them. Take Cyberpunk for instance, aside from the bugs, it ran like a turd on PS4/XBO, but so did FarCry3 on 360/PS3. With the extended lifecycle of the last gen, people seem to have forgotten. And it's part of the reason for upgrading, part of the reason for needing a new generation. Discuss.


Hello DF Panel. What do you think we may see regarding backwards compatibility on PSVR2 for old PSVR titles? Could we see significant improvements to resolution, visuals, and tracking? Could there be something akin to Backwards Compatibility+ on VR? Possibly any improvements at a system level not requiring game patches? Is there a chance it will be so fundamentally different that there will simply be no backwards compatibility?


Will Alex cover housemarque's VFX video on its custom Unreal work?


Does it make sense to buy 1440p panels for increased FPS compared to buying 4K monitors? (With the release of DLSS and Amd alternative)

Benjamin Addison

Enjoyed the interview Audi did with Wilbert. Audi continues to demonstrate he is the Kevin Bacon of the games industry. Who is the most famous person in the industry that you think would be able to greet you by name if you passed them by at a convention etc?


In current AMD-sponsored titles on PC ray-traced shadows has been the only inclusion on the ray-tracing side. Do you think that this will become a theme during the generation and if so what do you think of it? From my side I really miss ray-traced reflections in games as Deathloop.

Rick Champ

HDR Contradictions? PS5 asks to adjust symbols until “barely” visible but official HGIG guidelines state users should be asked to adjust until it “disappears.” Do (all) devs have this wrong? If PS5 HDR is adjusted, do i skip in-game wizards or do both?

Sven Dahlin

Big thanks for answering my question in the video!!! I realised there was a typo in my questin, I mean we would need "new _GPU_ architectures"!