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How is it going everyone! Bit of a slow news week as we approach Gamescom, which might have a surprise or two? But until then, let's get your questions! You know the drill by now, leave your questions and comments below, and we will answer as many as we can! Rich and Alex will be on the panel this week, but who will the third man be? Only one way to find out!



Question for Richard: In the beginning of may Microsoft has boosted the frame rate of roughly 70 games at once, but since then only one additional game, namely Dark Souls 3, has been added to the roster. What do you think is the reason why we haven’t seen more games being fps boosted since then and do you think we will ever see fps boost for Xbox 360 games?


The Xbox Series S has a fairly low GPU clock rate, 1565 mhz, relative to the other consoles and RDNA 2 based PC GPUs. With the Series S already struggling in recent releases and consuming very few watts, why wasn’t the Series S clocked higher?


To the whole team: what are you interests in movies??? Favourites?? Specially with horror movies


Who says it can't be? The original Xbox one got itself an overclock


is there a chance the team could start looking into input lag on multiplat releases? I've found some games have issues with input lag on some systems but not others, typically with Switch being the problem system. the example I'd like to bring is the Quake remaster, I picked it up on Game Pass only to realize that aiming feels absolutely terrible on my Xbox One X. there's so much input latency on camera movement in particular that it's distracting and worsens the experience dramatically. I picked it up on Switch, and there's no such issue. aiming feels great, but it carries performance issues that aren't present on Xbox. another quick example is Turok on Switch, where the aiming feels similarly janky and unpleasant. it's a bizarre issue I'd like to see talked about more!


If i remembered correctly you guys saw some kind Resolution Boost running on the Series X when you visited the Xbox Campus back in 2020. Whatever happened to that feature?


2 quick questions for anyone..First if both consoles are using RDNA2 and HDMI 2.1 then why doesn't the ps5 have VRR? Surely it can't be difficult to implement, especially being part of the HDMI spec itself. Second, we have heard that Microsoft is working on something like DLSS internally, probably for the Xbox series of consoles. Do you think we will eventually see ai upscaling on console?


Hi guys. Is there any update on the PlayStation CMOS battery situation that was discovered a few months ago?


With Intel Arc entering the GPU market, do you imagine they might become an alternative for console makers like Sony and Microsoft in the future, and give AMD a run for their money? Also, what do you think Nvidia is planning in terms of consoles, can we expect them in the Nintendo Super Switch, or even approach Xbox and Playstation? Is there any history of Intel and Nvidia doing something for older consoles?


Setting the scene: 1. You are playing a game on a VRR display. 2. In lighter scenes you get upto 70fps but heavier RT scenes can see drops to 45fps. Would locking the games FPS to 60 and thus reducing load on the GPU in those lighter scenes have a positive impact on performance when moving instantly into the heavy RT scene due to the GPU having a bit more available overhead?


With the recent (surprise) release of the Quake remasters across multiple platforms, is John going to create an epilogue video to his amazing Quake DF Retro video?


Second things can we change the title of this section to Call of Duty: Questions?


Last week there was some conversation around 90s games and LAN parties, which reminded me of playing LAN-only games using a TCP/IP emulator named Kali (later Kali95 when it got a GUI interface.) Specifically, I used it for Warcraft 2 before Battle.net came out and Duke 3D back in its DOS iteration. Did you guys in DF use something similar back in the day, and do you use a modern equivalent now when revisiting those old titles? Also, Audi got the pronunciation correct, just FYI. As did Alex on his first attempt, I think it was.

Dan Matte

Is Crytek really done updating Crysis 1 Remastered on consoles? If so, that’s pretty depressing because there are still tons of problems left that need to be fixed :(


Are you guys still taking suggestions for guests for the Weekly Directs? Might I suggest Brad Shoemaker from Nextlander, and former Giant Bomb staff member. He's a lurker Digital Foundry fan, and super into hardware/tech.


Will there ever be a time where turning on Ray Tracing may end up increasing performance instead of decreasing it? From my understand Raytacing is handle by RT cores alone so the rest of the cores can focus on rasterization performance. Will the RT cores eventually become powerful enough that you can have full resolution reflections and so many "traced rays" that there is no point in adding more, essentially removing the bottleneck around raytacing so that regular cores will become the bottleneck once again? This should allow a situation where turning on raytraced lighting and reflection will actually allow the game to run at a higher frame rate.


Now that Intel is entering the high-performance gaming GPU market, with its own discrete cards, could you foresee it becoming a potential partner for any of the big three console makers when they develop their next generation of hardware? Aside from providing both the CPU and GPU (like AMD) are there any other potential advantages that Intel may bring as a chip maker? Or any potential disadvantages?


I like RT a lot (and who doesn't), but don't you think it's kind of "overused" like many new tech in the first games they appears in ? For example, I love RT in Control, and I love how many times it made me shoot my own reflection in a window. That's immersion! but isn't it a bit much how so many surfaces look so polished and reflect all those lights? Also, and it's my personal experience here, I do find that all those GI or volumetric lightning affect the "readability" of an action game. Too many monsters hidden in the half-shadow, that sort of things. In summary, Alex, can there be too much RT?


Do you guys ever check out recent CGI movies (like Pixar movies for example) i was watching Luca on Disney+ and damn, offline rendering had improved more than i thought.. the geometric detail in the environment in that movie is on another level.. I think it's interesting because it always feels like realtime will never get there but now we have ray tracing on console :)


As Halloween approaches, your favorite horror flick! I'll grab the 🍿 popcorn!

André Scheffler

Now that the Steam Deck looks to be the first mass market PC that runs games exclusively on Linux by default, have you thought about covering Proton at least in a special or as a "standard" in all future reviews? Because I'd really like to see what the performance metrics (especially frame times) are like besides the expected performance loss due to the translation of API calls. It'd of course be super awesome if (once the device is available), the Steam Deck would be accounted for in your videos like "another console/platform".


What's your reaction on the footage of Dokev, shown at the gamescom opening ? The world seems divided between those who thinks it's gorgeous (Geoff Keighley for exemple, ...) and those who thinks it's trash (Nibel, ... ). Me ? I'm on the "woooow" side :-)


With Gen 5 PCIE and DDR5/DDR4 compatible motherboards coming down the pipeline, is there any reason to upgrade to a gen 4 from a gen 3 motherboard at this point? What are the real performance gains gen 3 vs gen 4 running an Intel 10700F, 32 gigs 3200mhz ram, and a 6700XT? I would assume Gen 5 will be better but have always heard that Gen 4 was not much of an upgrade over Gen 3. I would appreciate your opinions and thank you for everything you do!


The Polymega has a launch date finally. Had any of you preordered it, and why or why not?


1440p60 Native vs 2160p60 checkerboard pros and cons and which one you prefer.


herein my vote: yes. There is over-RT and I'd guess it's a case of ALL EMPHASIS IS NO EMPHASIS!!!!!!!!!!


the fanciest GPUs barely saturate PCIe 3, and 4 has double the bandwidth. With signalling issues arising for 5 (double 4s bandwidth) it's unlikely to make a difference for gaming rigs for a very long time. Perhaps as long as it takes you to replace your next PC motherboard... (DDR5, on the other hand, should have a more direct and more timely impact on gaming performance) edit: although that's likely years away from a material impact as well.


it may not be related, but SONY had some janky implementations of HDMI 2.1 in their 2020 TVs, and they were not alone. Many surround receivers also botched 2.1 due to faulty chipsets.


Are you guys planning on looking at the new Atari VCS? I'm kinda surprised you haven't already done something on it.


Isn't this the one they ripped apart and said they have no interest in wasting money on? Or was that something else?


I can't find the video if they did, must have been something else.

Jonas Taghizadeh (Taggen86)

Does the non-native ps5 version of HZD suffer from streaming stutter and 30 fps animations (like the pc-version) If not, why? Did the developers go the extra mile to fix them or did they just remove the 30 fps cap?


With the improvements coming to PS5's SDK and firmware lately, I feel cautiously optimistic that perhaps Sony could eventually add some requested features - namely 1440p support. We know VRR is on the way at some point, but do you think there's any chance we'll see 1440p as an option as well? As someone using an HDMI 2.0 display that supports 120hz, a Samsung NU8000, I'm often wishing Sony handled display outputs similarly to Microsoft.


So, I started playing the VR remake of Myst and found that it lets you use Nvidia DLSS in the VR mode, while in 2D it also supports FSR. Do you guys think there's a chance that we could see more VR games take advantage of upscaling methods like DLSS and FSR to help improve performance for VR games?


Addendum: Should I cancel my preorder and just use my Series X? I am most excited to be able to play my Saturn disks on a modern display, and I’d lose that with the XSX.


gtx 1080 gaming x+ vs ps5?


now take this with a saltlick (I have no insider knowledge of any kind... well, except coffee) but I'd guess SONY's TV division and Microsoft's PC divisions are not targeting the same worlds.


A Podcast feed for DF Weekly would be nice. Audio is sufficient for me.


PS5 wins there. I had a 1080 and now a 2080ti and I've actually had games run and look better on my series x than my PC which has a 5800x, 32 gigs of ddr4 with the motherboard (ROG Crossfire VII Formula) and cpu liquid cooled. Of course most of the games that run better on console are ubi soft titles lol. Actually I think all of them are ubi soft titles.