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Hey everyone, Rich here with a bit of a head-start for our Patreon supporters with some content we're running this weekend. I was visiting John at his Frankfurt-based lair last week and he dug out a DVD of the Sony media briefing at E3 2005 - yes, that one. The one with the PS3 reveal, notorious for its target renders and some remarkably blatant fakery.

But just how fake was it? We had the chance to get a pretty decent look at the full press conference, thanks to the fact that John's DVD was a proper 480i 60Hz feed direct from the media riser. 

And in actual fact, as we watched the full 90 minute briefing, there turned out to be a lot of fully legit, properly exciting stuff - in addition to the faked trailers. But what was real? What was fantasy? John and I, joined by our new PC specialist Alex Battaglia, decided to sit through the entire thing and comment on what we saw.

Here's a link: https://www.digitalfoundry.net/2018-03-03-df-retro-extra-how-fake-was-the-ps3-reveal-really

It's a new type of video that we're trialling here with more of a podcast-style format. Hope you enjoy it!




This seems pretty great, thank you!


Great, Thanks!


That was a really entertaining video, and welcome to DF, Alex! (Yes, please do the MS E3 2005 prez as well!)


This was really fun! I'm excited about Alex coming on as I'm a PC first guy so seeing you guys expand that way is awesome.


This was a great surprise. I think a good rhythm for videos like this would be one every 2 - 3 months at most. I really like the idea of doing the Xbox 2005 presentation next.


To answer Richard's question in the video about Killzone: some Guerrilla Games devs talked to Noclip late last year about exactly how that trailer came about. (I wrote it up: <a href="https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2017/12/guerrilla-games-finally-reveals-story-of-legendary-e3-bullshot-in-2005/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2017/12/guerrilla-games-finally-reveals-story-of-legendary-e3-bullshot-in-2005/</a> )


Will you be doing a burnout remastered comparison video between PS4 Pro and X1x anytime soon? Also could we get the ability to create our own threads somewhere here or on the site?