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Hi everyone, welcome to the Call For Questions post for the next DF Direct Weekly! It looks like it'll be Rich (ie me), John and Alex on the panel this week. We'll be covering topics such as the Dragon's Dogma 2 update (ahead of a full review from Oliver), potentially a close look at Snapdragon X Elite Auto SR upscaling and the upcoming Dead Rising remaster.

But that's not all - the delisting of Forza Horizon 4, poor sales of the iOS triple-A slate and the Xbox 'Keystone' streaming box patent will also be up for discussion. However, as usual, if you have any topics you'd like us to discuss - go for it!

And of course, we also want any and all questions covering as diverse a range of topics as you like. There's the usual, empty comments box below and I invite you to make full use of it. As usual, the deadline is 8am BST tomorrow. Thanks in advance!



Christian Albustin

Hello there! As texture upscaling emerged as a possible dlss4 feature: what could be the benefits of that? Would developers be able to produce less high-res assets to save money and time because dlss4 would do the trick? Would 8GB of graphics ram be enough again? And what about the Switch 2?

Tõnis Juhkam

I had a brain wave. Digital games going bye bye Digital games licensing fees to rightsholder require subscription based moneyflow. This makes good reason to stop digital game sell. Around 4-5 years digital game. Carbon copy is LTS aka long time support. Digital copy is bleading edge. DLC aka downloadable content is canary aka Nightly build. Maybe collectors can order carbon copy after digital copy expires. If Gold Disk aka mass production ready version of game gets distributed and any mass copy gets cracked it becomes cracked Gold Disk and value goes to zero dollars / euros. Digital game removes mass production copies. Digital games do not get destroyed like 1950s consept cars. Intelectual property is still kept with source code aka blueprints in-house. That is how remakes are made or sequels. Downloads have gone to digital aka stream to hard disk or ssd. Streaming gameplay with low latency is next frontier. If console is market share. Then make games universal: x86, console, arm, AI based chips. So market reach gets bigger with each supported sub-market. Exclusive is out, inclusive is in right now. If we can have LTS operating systems why we can not have LTS digital games? Mostly nobody destroyes their own source code. If they make too good product it will outlast next generation or iteration, look product end of Life cycle. How much money is fair to collector LTS digital game? Limited run, proof of audenticity.