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Hey there! I just really wanted to ask you guys about what would you prefer regarding to my posting frequency! My art style requires a bit of time to finish each piece due to rendering, and when you do a multiple amount of frames - that’s quite a lot of rendering to do. So, the question is:

- Would you prefer me posting a bit more often publishing each finished page separately, or is it comfortable for you to wait for me finishing the whole batch?

Please, don’t be shy to leave your opinion and thank you in advance for it! 

Also here’s clean lined and coloured Kacchan from the next part of the !fantasyAU adventure, heheh




I don't mind waiting for the batches


I don’t mind waiting for the batches, maybe u can post some wips more often? Just for show that u are working! But is up to u bby :3 u know that I’m here for your art and I don’t mind when u can post it💗💗💗


Thank you for your feedback! I’ll make sure to not disappoint! 💕


Oh man because I start to work with mid tones instead of pure solid colours my wips always look so confusing :DD but I’ll try to make them look better hehe Thank u so much, Tsuki! Your support is immeasurable 😭💖


I don’t mind waiting for more batches, also maybe you can post I forgot what it’s called but like the video of you know the process of already posted works, but that’s totally up to you, I love your art so much I don’t mind waiting for it💖


Timelapses! Yeah, I could do those too, sometimes! Also thank you so so much for your support and love, it means the world to me honestly 💕💕💕