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Hey everyone. I'm sorry to have to do this yet again, but a new page just isn't happening this week due to another sad event.

Content warning: Pet death.

We've talked before about our kitten Pickle and his various health issues due to an immune disease, including anemia. No medical professional could figure out why exactly he was like this, but after several different medications and many, many visits to the vet every month, his blood cell level seemed to be back in the normal range. I had made a post celebrating that, only for it to lower back down the next week.

That brings us now to this week. Pickle suddenly and quickly caught what seemed to be an eye infection. The vet was closed over the weekend, so we just hoped to ride it out. But without an immune system, the infection quickly took over his face within a day, even affecting his breathing. When we could finally bring him to the vet, we finally got some semblance of an answer to his health problems - a tumor behind his eye was now bulging it outwards. We knew there was no path for recovery, and he was too good of a cat to let suffer. We made the call, said goodbye, and had him put to sleep in Leslie's lap that day.

He didn't live a long life, surviving only to the age of 2. And it's been a hard year for him, with countless medical visits and medicinal cocktails. But he also had some good times with his younger adopted cat brother Bart, and the three of us combined gave him plenty of love and affection. When we first found him, he was just a 4 week old kitten abandoned in our woods who could barely meow. He showed up in our lives just a couple months before our chihuahua Bruce passed, and I'll never forget bawling my eyes out when he sat on my lap to comfort me after we buried Bruce. He loved to sit by Leslie and make biscuits, and had the softest, sweetest meow when he thought either of us had treats, the voice of an angel. He would always jump on my desk to knock over a little toy duck I have, and it will now stay knocked over.

It's not fair that he had to go so young. But we tried our best and gave him the best life we could, short as it was. He was a good kitten, and a good brother. We all miss him.

So, yeah. Cat eulogy aside, we really did try to push through and get a Rock Cocks page out anyway. We got up to the pencils, at the very least. But man... It's been exhausting. I really don't want to write another one of these incredibly long and sad blog posts about another terrible event in our lives delaying our page production for at least like... I dunno. Is at least a year break between tragedies too much to ask? I feel like I've had to do this more than what should be reasonably asked or even allowed.

I have to thank you all though, as its your continued support that allowed us to give Pickle the little life he had and allowed us to afford all of these vet visits and medications. I'm sorry to have to have done posted another trauma dump blog on you all, but it's thanks to you that we were able to have these good times with Pickle at all. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much.

We'll try to get this page out by Monday. I know a lot of you will say we don't have to (and I thank you dearly for that), but we'd still like to try. Thanks for your continued support and understanding, and we hope to see you again soon with more Rock Cocks.



Very sorry to hear of your loss. Pickle was taken away from you far too soon. He was however both loved and well cared for . My condolences.

Oli Platt

Many hugs for you all! Pickle will be missed by many. You gave him a wonderful life and a loving family when he needed it most! 💕💕


So sorry for your loss he seems like he was very loved 💛

Volant Caedis

I'm so sorry guys. Pet death is never easy. I remember how distraught I was when we had to put Bullet to sleep, our Bull Terrier. He was purebred but had a lot of fluid in his lungs and couldn't breathe properly. It took me months before I could feel happy again. And he was only 7. You did the best you could for Pickle and I'm sure he passed knowing he was loved and appreciated by two awesome people. Rock on, guys, and R.I.P. Pickle. Chase all those mice in Kitty Heaven 💜