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Here we go! It's this month's pin ups! Click here to go see all the previous pics! 

HAPPY NUDE YEAR AGAIN, EVERYONE! We absolutely wanted to continue the theme from the Singles comic into the Pin Ups, and decided to go with just one big party pin up instead of the usual 2 separate pin ups. Now everyone's together! And look at those beautiful fireworks! We imagine the gang just parked the bus up on a hill over a city and decided to chill outside during the festivities, talking dicks and boobs and whatnot. Here's to more dicks and more boobs throughout all of 2024!

Thank you all so much for your amazing support! If you've got more suggestions for future pin ups, throw them our way! See you soon with more Rock Cocks!



A Guy

I will say, I'm a big fan of the group pinups. More butts = more better. That's science.

Ben Burch

You could have these printed out with a full bleed poster printer and sell them I think.