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Here we go! It's this month's pin ups! Click here to go see all the previous pics! 

Oh no! Coral died of ligma and has risen from the grave as a hot ghost! If you listen closely, you can hear her moaning "boOoOo-by" on the wind! And Dakota's an alien, but that's not too surprising. I want to know what kinda weird dudes he's reading about in his magazine, though. 

Thank you all so much for your amazing support! If you've got more suggestions for future pin ups, throw them our way! See you soon with more Rock Cocks!



Nitro The Dog

YOOOOO I absolutely LOVE the Dakota one!!!! These are both so good 💙💙💙💙💙


Absolutely adore these. Love when we get Coral 💖. And Dakota's was dope, tbh the eyes and ship were so hype it took me a second to see the strap-on 😆