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Sorry we're a bit late! Our power went out for the last 4 hours. Nothing like sitting in the pitch black darkness of night in your tiny house in the middle of the woods!

Whew, guys. When it rains, it pours. Things were already pretty rough after the event that delayed us before, but this week also saw the death of Leslie's hamster, our kitten Pickle needs to go back to heavier medication, and my debit card got stolen. It's an almost comical amount of bad events all happening one after the other. Not sure whatever deity we pissed off to curse us to this degree, but whoever you are? We're coming for you.

In good news though, the weather finally cooled down enough for me to go out and mow the lawn. And by cooled down, I mean it went from 114 degrees to 95. Still way too hot, but I couldn't stand how overgrown shit was over months of extreme heat. We still only have a pushmower, so it's intense, back-breaking labor... but man, the lawn looks nice now.

See you on Monday!




i think lemony snicket is pulling your strings somewhere, hope things get a little greener soon


I love when Steg wears that shirt! 💙

Ben Burch

Elizabeth needs to buy the Roadies some clothes that fit.


Steger and suria discussing fuckable robots is perfect