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Man, Leslie has MASTERED the art of dreamy late night naked walks through the woods. This is so goddamn pretty, holy shit.

GOOD NEWS, EVERYONE! After 8 years and 1,000 pages, our website has finally been upgraded! The pages have been resized to glorious 1200px wide on desktop, the design has been streamlined for mobile, and it all just looks SO much nicer. This has something we've been trying to get done for the last 3 years now, but it's finally happened and it looks so good that it made me want to cry! Fun fact, I had to reupload all 1,000 pages myself. It took literally the entire day (roughly 14 hours), but I wasn't about to wait even one more second than I had to to get this redesign out. While the free site is roughly a month behind you guys in terms of pages, please check it out and share it with your friends!

See you on Friday!



Kam Kam

Yeah dudes, that lighting is majestic😍. And the faces are on point as always🥰

Bailey Tighe

HELL YEAH!!!! Congrats on the shiny upgraded site!!


So pretty indeed! & congrats on the website, nearly time for me to reread the entire comic again XD

Justin Wood

God, I say this frequently but you both do such a good job with great sexy, wholesome stories. I love the cast and I can't wait to see what comes next! Once again, congrats on 8 years, and here's to many more! 🥰


Oh the COLORS on this page are so so so so pretty. And congrats on the upgraded site!!


Yay for self discovery and growth and wholesomeness. I've never seen a sky like that due to light pollution

Mystic Mind

I'm so happy for Liz! She deserves to feel awesome while naked! And yes, this art *needs* to be in the chapter's wallpapers!


The background on its own would make a great wallpaper, kinda like wallpaper 150.png

Ben French

Congrats on the upgraded website. Seriously though, this chapter has been a ride and I look forward to more adventures with these goobers.