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New page! Told you we'd go outside! 

So, I need all your opinions on this page, Patrons! For some reason, the colors on this page came out way darker on my computer. For Leslie's and our roommate, the colors are perfect, but my computer displays it a lot darker. Only on the website, too, if I open up the image in a file viewer or in photoshop, it looks normals. So I need to see if it's all dark on your end, or if my computer's just fucking weird.

Like, for example, in the last panel, does the pink bit stick out as a bright neon, or does it look shaded in with the rest of the colors? In panel 3, can you see the blue to purple gradient on the sky, or does it look all purple? It might just be my screen for whatever reason, but I figure I should still ask to make sure. Let us know!

See you on Friday!




Oh boy, what a rabbit hole to go into, especially on my uncalibrated home PC. Difficult to say, the whole thing is at night so saying what actually is "too dark" is tough. I can see the gradient if I pay attention, but it's not a crazy range so the subtlety seems fine? However, I think the pink is actually just fucking with my mind now, looks like a neon paint thing with the correct level of brightness/shade for the position of the lamp, but the actual RGB code #440E2F looks way darker if I look at it on a white background vs as part of the panel.


I usually have to turn my backlight brightness up to be able to make out details for the Rock Cocks in general, but this page I had to turn it super high to make out Steg's face in panel 2. The pink paint bit looks pretty normal (sticks out a bit, but not crazy neon) and I do see a gradient.

Ken Snider

Looks normal to me. I'm able to pick out facial and background detail, and colours look normal from an iPhone (a device well known to be colour calibrated well). Neon blends in as expected.

Kelvin P

I would double check what colour space Windows is set to use with your monitor; usually sRGB is the best supported.


On my computer it looks fine but on my phone it's way too dark. I think it's just different displays acting up.


Looks fine on my screen (calibrated laptop) and my phone screen.

Carol Morris

I've got a mac laptop with retina display and it's displaying normally.