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Leslie and I ended up going to a Mardi Gras parade after all! We ended up baking in the sun out on the hot asphalt all day! We were cooked like lobsters! Everything hurts! Can't even sleep because the sunburn hurts too damn much against the pillow! My whole body aches and I'm tired as hell! But I managed to catch a cute plush cactus dude for Leslie, so it was worth it in the end.

Also this page is really cute, I'm extremely happy with it. Leslie's the best~

See you on Monday!




We are ALL Dakota in panel 3.


Lizzie has nothing to hide. She didn't make the decision to call the inspector to the resort, Sterling did. Plus, that resort needed to be shut down. Also her hair os so long and fluffy I love it


Elizabeth IS the best ♡

Andrea Andrew

I hope Suria realizes that if it ever comes up. It’d be sad to see another fight, considering Suria and Elizabeth clearly have feelings for each other (alongside their romantic partners.)

Mystic Mind

I can't wait for the first panel to be released as stand-alone art! Liz is so happy, and her body is a work of art. She is awesome. A porn comic like this was the last place I expected excellent nudist representation, but I am 1000% here for ti!


Can't wait for the photoshoot!


I want to be excited for Lizzy but I have this haunting feeling that Sterling is eventually going to be blackmailed with any photos the band takes here. I easily envision him falling on his sword for them and it pains me to think of how much the guilt would hurt them all.


Oh dear. Please put sunscreen on next time you have a spontaneous day out 😆 Yay for encouragement but I am perhaps a bit uneasy at the photographs. The band make their name on pushing boundaries and accept the territory they're in. But Lizzie being in corporate puts more fallout on her than anyone else there. I don't expect anyone there to leak it, but it just takes one lying around and one bad actor to get it


The price we pay for a good time 😂 "Hey babe, wanna have some fun?" "Touch me and die" "Eh fair, same."


Eyyy pics??? I spy the patron rewards 👀 😝!


I'm glad that, of the predictions I made, the better one happened. LOL Go get em Lizzie!