Pin Up Question (Patreon)
So, how important is nudity in the pin ups for you?
I know we've asked this question before, but I thought I'd ask again now that we have 200 more people. Like, we've been going for as sexy and naked as possible for every pin up thus far. I was wondering if you guys were getting burnt out on them or anything. Going full-naked is kind of limiting sometimes (as much as we like it), so we thought about varying it up. We could start making pin ups focusing more on your favorite Rock Cocks characters in cute/sexy clothing, or just cool scenes with them, maybe even desktop wallpaper-worthy stuff. Obviously, lewd pin ups won't go away forever if you guys vote against it, this is fucking Rock Cocks, so if you're here for more porn, don't worry about that. But the question is, are you guys okay with pin ups that AREN'T porn? Vote below!