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Hey everyone! I've been reading a lot more comics on my phone lately and wanted to make Rock Cocks a little easier for people to enjoy on the go. That said, I'm not quite experienced when it comes to making these kinds of things. Did you know that apparently ebooks and .pdfs are different things? I didn't! That said, these are .pdfs compiled off of the 1200px versions of the comic pages. As I said, I'm not super experienced with making these, but these should look pretty good on your phone. Tablets, not quite so sure about.

I'd like to make better versions of these down the line some time. Higher resolutions, cover art, add some bonuses, maybe even put them up for sale at some point. This batch here is definitely more of a test run than anything, though I hope they're still useful to you all. If you have suggestions on how to make these better, please let me know! We'll be providing $10+ subscribers with the updated versions as well, so don't worry, you won't be stuck with the beta tests.

Thanks again, and see you soon with more Rock Cocks!




Just did a quick peek through some at random, they look pretty high def to me. :)


Looks great on my phone and computer! Out of curiosity, I tested a couple of chapters on my e-ink tablet and it definitely looks okay, for the most part! The tablet I use is black and white (with an adjustable warm/cold backlight), so dimly-lit scenes of any kind don't look great. This is a general e-ink issue though, so it can't be helped. It'd be interesting to test these out on a color e-ink tablet, but those are wicked expensive... Thank you for these!