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Man, I tell you, Leslie and I are cursed. Between all the shit that's happened to us over the last year, we decided we needed a vacation, just the two of us. No pets, no hurricane to run away from, just a nice trip. We haven't had a trip out of state that wasn't spurred by a storm evacuation for at least five years now, so we saved up and planned out a vacation. We'd take a trip to Chicago for our wedding anniversary. It's nearly Christmas, so it'll be super pretty and snowy. Lots of great food, nice sights...

And the best part? We'd travel up there...


So, yeah, if you're not caught up on America news, there's currently a railroad strike happening and we're sweating bullets for a number of different reasons. Our train departs the day after the actual strike may or may not happen, so now we're just... waiting, I guess. Seeing if our trip is gonna happen or not. I dunno, maybe we'll just cancel and do a drive to like, Austin or something since we were trapped in a hotel with our dog the entire time that last hurricane evacuation. I've never ridden a train before in my life and I was so excited to experience a train ride through the snow. And I'm not blaming the workers or anything, god no, those people deserve sick days. It's just... what a shitty situation. Damn.

Either way, we're gonna hunker down and get a buffer going so we won't miss any comic updates while we're at Chicago... or Austin. These next few pages are really nice~

See you on Friday!



Daniel S

Yeah, a train ride can be great if you do it right, but this is what happens when workers get screwed over. I hope you can make something work.


Amp technology courtesy of Doc Brown.


Baaaaaaallls I hope y'all can catch a chill time soon. The train union thing is wild, I hope the workers get what they need soon. Also, I always forget how MASSIVE Elizabeth's hair is until she's shows full body 😝


Feels everywhere is striking atm. UK has had rail strikes on and off for the past few months with some more upcoming. Hope you manage to find a way to enjoy your break though.


hope you have a nice holiday and are lucky with the strikes.(Workers rights are important) I had the opportunity to use the 9 Euro ticket from July to August, so I travelled all over Germany by train. I spent a week on the coast and a week in the Alps hiking and almost every weekend somewhere else in Germany was the most stress-free and relaxing time I've had in years. Hope you are recovering well

Chris Crowther

Well at least they're already undressed, so their clothes won't get blown off. There are rail strikes in the UK as well (also postal, nursing, and various others).

Richard J. Pugh

Is Suria's guitar a 12 string? Note the number of nuts in panel 1.