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Happy holidays, everyone! Click here to check out all the previous comics! 

And there you have it, the official morality alignment of the Rock Cocks cast. Please keep this in mind for future role-playing sessions. Mostly, this was just an excuse to draw Elizabeth in a real cute Santa outfit. Everyone else came out real cute, too~

$10 Patrons, look out for another post coming up in a moment! And if you all in the $5 tier want to see some SUPER sexy pin ups (plus all the previous pin ups), just up your pledge any time here in December to get those pin ups! Offer's good throughout the month, so no rush.

See you soon with more Rock Cocks!




Thats how it be Suria try again next year


Come on, Suria. We ALL know how naughty you can get.

Michael Butchin

HAHAHAHA! I had no idea Elizabeth could be such a tease!


Naughty naughty 😏


Give Suria the present Liz!

will davison

I motion for a recount of clover’s alignment. I submit July’s singles comic as exhibit A.