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New page! NSFW.

I don't have any jokes or light commentary about what happened on Tuesday for us Americans. I won't go into politics here, as this isn't the place for it and you probably already know my thoughts. But I will say that I think our country has failed us and to everyone affected, I am so ashamed and so sorry for how our nation has treated you. Please, stay strong and stay safe. We'll do everything we can to help you. Don't be afraid to message us if you need someone to talk to.

I think we'll try to move to California next year once our current lease is up. It might be in our best interest to get out of the red states if we want to keep making this comic. Somewhere in SoCal where it's a little bit cheaper, maybe. Our roommates are down for it, so it's just a matter of saving up. I don't know if I should make it a milestone or anything, but that's gonna be our next goal. We want this comic to continue no matter what kind of bills end up getting passed, and we can't do it without you guys. Thanks for sticking with us even in these terrifying times.

This chapter's almost over! See you again soon!PS. We thought we'd try this page without any sound effects. What do you think? 




Thank you for your message of support. Reading for the UK here and would like to return that support back to all Americans who are suffering in fear right now. <3 Incidentally, no sound effects really works. Your artwork speaks for itself!