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Hey guys! Leslie slipped in the shower and banged up their shoulder. Nothing serious, no hospital trip or anything! Just fell really hard against the wall and now it hurts to move the drawing arm. Leslie's been laid out on the couch with a heating pad, so hopefully a day of rest is all it needs. We need to get Patreon rewards done this week, so we'll be focusing on that once Leslie's shoulder is healed. We'll be back on Friday with a new page!



Get well soon Leslie ❤


Get better Leslie! Rest well and don't push yourself


Ouch!! Take it easy, Leslie!


Take it easy buds. :)


Oh no! Leslie, I hope you heal nice and quick. Shoulder injuries are never fun <3


Feel better, and get those rubber daisies or whatever for the shower 'cus slipping in there is no joke.

Jackson Stewart

Take all the time you need and don’t you dare overwork yourself

Opus the Poet

I got a mat via the jungle site that was basically a plastic copy of a loofa that has been completely non-slip for me and my wife, and both of us have mobility issues. Highly recommended.