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Here's this month's Singles comic! Click here to read all the previous comics!

I tried to think of the most embarrassing thing that could happen to Clover and Coral and this was the thing I came up with. I’m stupidly happy with this joke, gotta say. It’s one of those rare moments where even Clover is caught off-guard. Man, I love these characters.

$10 Patrons, look out for another post coming up in a moment! And if you all in the $5 tier want to see some SUPER sexy pin ups (plus all the previous pin ups), just up your pledge any time here in August to get those pin ups! Offer's good throughout the month, so no rush.

See you soon with more Rock Cocks!



Oli Platt



That's the scariest panel yet, i think


I was starting to think It wasn’t possible to embarrass Clover.

Opus the Poet

Was Coral wearing a <i>tool belt?!</i>


Wait, Clover willingly put on C L O T H I N G ! ?


I think they're trying on Suria and Steg's performance clothes, and those are the jeans Suria cut the crotch out of to make denim chaps.

Joshua Skaug

Dear God! They're closet dressers!