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Spoiler alert - They're not gonna play that sweet Neo Geo arcade cabinet in the back. Hope you enjoyed the rewards this month! If you haven't checked them yet, be sure to check the tags for 'em!

No Pickle pics today (our new kitten, for those just joining us), but we've been slowly getting him used to exploring the full house. It's so funny seeing a newborn kitten just explore and try to figure out what the hell anything is. Bruce (our chihuahua), however, is terrified. Every time he sees this little baby kitten, he just cries and shivers. At one point he felt brave enough to investigate, but basically sniffed Pickle into a corner. He wouldn't let up, so Pickle bopped him on the nose. Bruce was so traumatized that he shit himself right there. I have to stress that Bruce is 15 years old and Pickle is 5 weeks.

See you on Monday!




It's going to be a smash cut to them playing a board game, I just know it.


And we have to wait till Monday to find out what the answer is going to be. My guess, Dakota is going to go in for a kiss, I wouldn't be surprised if it actually is a game of I spy or charades or something. I think you need to be on guard for poor Bruce there. That small kitten will kick his butt otherwise 😄

Hugo The Marvelous

I'll be in the corner quietly chanting "fuck! Fuck! Fuck! You can do it! Fuck! Fuck Fuck!" Pay me no mind. :)

Mystic Mind

I wonder if this is the first time we'll see Dekota sans-binder? I look forward to seeing where this goes regardless!

Marcel Dizon



Boy oh boy i wonder if there's anything they could POSSIBLY do in the mean time

Aeryn Light

Card games on motorcycles!


I gotta say, I appreciate the acknowledgment that Dakota’s still wearing his binder! I hope eventually he’ll feel comfortable enough around someone to take it off and let his chest breathe! My ribs ache for him, sleeping in the binder — dysphorias a bitch, and I love how respectfully you guys write him as a character! And I am also joining the above in chanting…. KISS KISS KISS KISS!!


I'm calling this will cut to them playing the neogeo cabinet. edit: damn it, didn't read the post.

Opus the Poet

I know Dakota is a boy but he really needs to let the girls out for a bit. Seriously a binder or even a tight sports bra worn that long continuously can cause some real problems where ribs meet the sternum.

Richard J. Pugh

Liz looks slightly embarrassed in panel 4, like she's thinking "oops, I shouldn't have gone there." But that's the only "mistake" she's made thus far. She's well aware that Dakota is Trans, but it isn't an issue for her. I like that about her. Good writing.

Justin Wood

I'd also like to point out how fun it is that Elizabeth is getting more comfy being in the nude. :D