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Yeah, I know what you’re all here for. I know why you clicked that email link. You want to know our hamster cage progress, don’t you~? Well, good news! We’ve acquired a 40-gallon fish tank for like $50! It was more than half off! Talk about a lucky break! I was basically out in town all day trying to scour for the various elements of the hamster cage project we would need. Two big important things: the aquarium that said hamster would go into, and the stand on which a hamster cage would sit. Unfortunately, no stands around here that can hold this bad boy. The search continues…to the internet!

Right now, the hamster aquarium is just on the floor, so it’s nothing really to look at. As soon as a bit more progress is made, we’ll take some pictures. Be patient, friends! Until then, I dunno, look at these lewd comics we make or something.

See you on Monday!



Jamie Willis

Ooh yeah baby love to see Steg grabbing Sauras’s nipples them getting on that action I hope they don’t get burnt literally 🥵🥵🥵


Oh how on earth will i EVER fill the void until the next hamster cage update


I'm genuinely excited about the hamster cage project?? But also yeah this page is NICE


CLOSER??? 😳😳😳😳


I'm excited to see what's going to happen with this hamster cage stuff you got going on Sick as page!


Came(heh) for the comic, stayed for the hamster cage update


Yaya Hamster project, but also hot! I love seeing a guy Stegs size and build going at it. Sounds like he needs to take her all on all Fours for a better Look.


Damn, Dakota’s got fucking CAKE


Is Suria suggesting what I think she’s suggesting?


Closer? Yes, please!


I like the Imagitarium Brooklyn Metal Tank Stand - for 40 Gallon Tanks especially if you can pair it with a coupon or sale. I managed to get mine from my local Petco but you can order it online too.
