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Hey everyone! Sadly, only a living situation update for you all tonight, but it's good news! Leslie and I are back home, and I'm EXTREMELY happy to confirm that there was no damage to our house! Our yard is a complete disaster full of broken trees, but luckily, all those trees fell AWAY from our house. No leakage in the roof, no damaged windows, no broken house panels, nothing! And we have power! But sadly, no internet. We're gonna have to work from mobile hotspots off of our phones like we did when we first got our house set up. It's basically dial-up speeds, but it's functional. At least I hope so. Gotta make sure this post goes through first.

The only issue coming back to our house was sadly, the fridge. It was rancid. Horrifying. Two spoiled gallons of milk, 3 melted pizzas, an entire shelf of beer that burst open and leaked everywhere. It was a nightmare. The reason we have no pages today was because we spent the entire day just cleaning out the fridge. We've scrubbed all the mold off every single detachable piece of the fridge and are currently letting it air out with some fans going. Even have a bowl of vinegar inside it which is supposed to help absorb the smell. At least we know we don't have COVID, because god damn that fridge STINKS.

So yeah, we'll be back to work on some extremely cute n' lewd pages tomorrow! See you then, and thanks for your support!



glad to hear you're safe, take care of yourselves (and that fridge)!


woof! good luck!

Nellie B

Glad to know the storm didn't destroy the home


activated charcoal is another thing that could help with the odor problem

Michael Butchin

So long as you guys are safe and intact!


Oh, i can imagine that smell. Glad yall are safe, take as long as you need!

Mobius Scarf

Great news about the house, sucks about the fridge and the lack of internet. Hopefully that gets straightened out before too long!

Daniel S

I can't decide which would smell worse, the spoiled milk or the spilled beer.

Valley Dweller

Get some some boxes of baking soda and open them up in the fridge - will absorb some of the smell.

Ryan Peterson

The fridge situation sounds terrible. Glad you guys are safe.


I would just dump baking soda across every bit of free surface area in the fridge.

Justin Wood

Sorry to hear about the fridge situation! But I suppose better that then the house being gone!


Glad you two are safe!


I have some bad experience with a moldy fridge. I could never completely get rid of the smell. I hope you have more luck.

Edward Justice

Hang in there. That's what heavy duty garbage bags were made for.


Baking soda works well. Put an open box of baking soda (also called bicarbonate of soda) in the fridge to absorb odors. And you can leave it in there with your food, because it's just baking soda.