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God, I love how this page came out! Everyone is so CUTE together! I seriously love this whole cast, this is such a fun comic to write. Something REALLY nice is gonna come up in this next page and I seriously can’t wait~

We’re having a hard time deciding on this month’s Patreon rewards. We think we want to do something really lewd, since it’s been a bit in the comic without anyone like, fucking. Maybe a creampie pin up with Steg and Suria, we really like doing those. But what should we do for a Patreon comic? We’ve been focusing on the main gang a bit in our side comics, even though they’re the focus of this current chapter. Are you guys okay with that? Should we go peek in on one of the other characters for the Patreon comic? Should the Patreon comic ALSO be super lewd? Don’t be afraid to give some lewd suggestions! Let us know if you have anything you want to see!

See you on Monday!




dakota looking at her but and her looking at suria's tits are both drawn really well and really funny


A creampie pinup is an excellent idea, and the comic might benefit from something to do with spanking and doggy style sex. Just my suggestion


Damn Suria, just saying out loud what we're all thinking.


Please do something lewd for the comic!


Steg messing around with Seth and/or Georgie


Yes! Lewd, lewd, lewd! It's been too long.

Nellie B

Enjoying the view, Lizzy?


Absolutely, go super lewd! It's a good opportunity to add even more sex into the comic


Maybe for the comic, something along the theme of "in hindsight, it was kinda obvious" - flashbacks of unseen parts of previous storylines where the rest of the crew caught hints about Elizabeth but never put two and two together?


Lewd it up!!


Maybe for a comic, do a dream sequence for either Elizabeth or Dakota where it's cute or sexy thinking about each other?


Definitely pegging if your looking for lewd

The Secret Sponsor

This is all very cute, but I'm half expecting drama to hit. Like, Elizabeth and Dakota get naked, but then we find out Elizabeth didn't know Dakota was Trans and it leads to awkwardness.


This comic doesn’t lend itself to threesomes so much. So how about some fantasy threesomes? Combinations we wouldn’t normally see like Roxanne, Emily and Anh. Or Steg, Billy and Redd. Or whatever combination of three characters you think would make for a sexy good time.


when did elizabeth lose her socks/shoes?


Didn't they already say that Dakota being trans will not be an issue?


Cant wait to see where this goes, I'm hoping Elizabeth does something to make Suria laugh^^


BTW I sent you an idea for the side comic, I hope you like it

Chris Crowther

Elizabeth is very taken with Suria's boobs.

Mobius Scarf

One thing I've been curious about that I don't think has been explored in either the main comic or the side comic is whether or not Clover and Coral are scoping anyone out for a threesome. Like, I ASSUME they're both gay, but that wouldn't rule out Suria or Elizabeth. And maybe I'm wrong and one or both of them is bi or pan, which would open up all kinds of possible fuck-pile permutations. Or if they're strictly monogamous and just exhibitionist, maybe Elizabeth could walk in on them filming an amateur porno in the Cockpit and they totally know she's there, but she doesn't know they know. Another idea I have is you could do a flashback to the early 90's and give us a peek at what Roxanne and Seth's relationship was like before they started feuding. The way they both are, and the way they are around each other, I can't imagine they didn't fuck AT LEAST once.


A creampie pinup would be neat, and Steg and Suria are classics, but what about someone else? Steg and Seth? Steg and Elizabeth? (with Suria looking on in the background, FREAKING OUT about how cool it all is?)

Chris Crowther

I think all of us would be very interested in seeing that.


Could do Rocket Roller, haven’t seen them in a bit. Seth and Roxanne could be good just for the lewds, but that relationship has enough HMMMMMMM in it right now for me to be uncomfortable with. Unless it’s a happy scene and Georgie approves. Or, even better(?) would be Seth and Roxanne topping/spit roasting Georgie. I’d take that in a heartbeat.


Look, I know it won't happen, but ever since Suria asked for a 3 way, I keep hoping Steg is gunna fuck Liz.


OMG I love the bottom left panel!!!


What if Elizabeth fucks Every member of the Rock Cocks crew? Like, every character that likes girls has expressed interest in Elizabeth, what if she fucks them all?