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Introducing...THE ROCK COCKS FANPACK! This is a MASSIVE .rar file containing high-res crops, zoom-ins, and panels from across tracks 1-14 of the comic, totaling nearly 3,000 hi-res images of all your favorite Rock Cocks moments! This is 1.8 gigs of Rock Cocks content, so please make sure you have room before you download!

I'm sure you all have your favorite moments from Rock Cocks that you wish were just a little bit...BIGGER, right? Well, download the link below, and what originally looked like this at full-size...

Now becomes THIS!

WHOA-HO, BIG! Now, all of Rock Cocks is available to you in BIG MODE, already cropped and ready for usage as phone wallpapers, reaction images, emojis, late-night lewds, whatever you want! We've even included textless versions of panels whenever we could, so you can now see Suria rocking out without being covered in lyrics, or Georgie sucking off Seth without any of the moans distracting you!

NOTE: Because this is almost 3,000 images taken over the course of 40 hours, there was basically no way I could organize these in any realistic fashion and still keep my sanity. They ARE organized by track and SORT OF in order, but there are definitely some jumbled around in there. Also note that because we never originally intended these images to be seen at this resolution, you will definitely see things you weren't meant to see this close up. But hey, showing yourself off flaws and all is kind of the Rock Cocks motto, right? Also, we can ONLY offer this as a .rar. No thumbnail previews, I'm afraid.

We're still working on remastering the entirety of Rock Cocks to a bigger resolution, but even then, they won't be THIS big. So please, download and enjoy all the sweet, funny, and sexy moments throughout Rock Cocks thus far (with even more to come later)!




DANG! You've been busy! Gonna have to go through these and find some good reaction images. :D


Going back to the beginning. I get where Steg's name comes from (Stephen Geurrero), but where does Carol Hopkins become Suria?


Love it!


This is going to take a while to get through, but I’ve finished the first track at least. I love the last image of them driving through the night with the city all lit up in neon colors behind them. Just amazing.


Bit of a newbie question, but where do I go to download them?


Just click on “THE ROCK COCKS FUNPACK” at the beginning of the article.


Thanks for that. Strange, I tried that earlier but it didn't seem to work. All good now.