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Just a heads-up: We made a separate twitter account EXCLUSIVELY for Rock Cocks stuff! Since you’re already Patrons, it might not be TOO useful for you, what with you being several pages ahead of the free site and getting email notifications, BUT we’ll also be posting hi-res teaser art! I’d still keep track of it if you’re a big fan of the comic, because you’ll be getting really cute/lewd art at a resolution you’ve never seen before! I’ve been going through our print resolution files and making crops, so things like tiny cute background versions of characters get blown up to big, crystal clear sizes. Perfect for reaction images, emojis, and just seeing more cute pics of the characters! Same for the lewd shots, too! You’ll see a crop of Suria from one of the older pages on the new twitter. I’ll actually probably make a giant folder of them at a later point and dump it all for you to download, there’s seriously some good stuff there.

See you on Monday!



Nellie B

The first time's the hardest

Michael Butchin

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww, she's just a fluffy little kitten, isn't she? 😊🥰


I love that they are okay with her taking her time but also cheering her on. Such a welcome bunch of peoples.

Daniel S

I could almost hear the heroic music swell...and then cut out.

Ben Burch
