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Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! Sadly, ours was kind of a bust. We hadn’t been grocery shopping in a while and it was too cold and rainy to go out and pick something up, so we had to stay home and eat leftover pizza. It’s actually the first time as far as I can remember that our part of Louisiana has stayed around freezing temperatures throughout the entire day. It was actually fucking with our electricity, it got so cold. Our lights flickered, our fire alarm went off, we lost internet for a bit. It scared the hell out of our dog, so we had to sit with him on the couch and comfort him while we got this page done. Still, this page came out SO cute. We’ll celebrate Valentine’s Day when it’s not so cold and wet, thank you very much. Hope yours was better than ours!

See you on Friday!

Edit: Whoops, just spotted the typo in the last panel. We'll get that fixed ASAP!




It's funny seeing as she was naked in front of Red, and I think unintentionally by herself at the pool maybe at one point?

Nitro The Dog

I love this exchange. These last few pages have been absolutely choice. The character development is just *chefs kiss*👌👌👌 The way it's written, the character expressions and action, oh yeah I love the way this part of the story has been going!!!


The scene where Steg and Suria have sex in front of C+C and Dylan is still one of the hottest you two have created. Getting Elizabeth in on the fun can only make it hotter.

Chris Crowther

I don't think Dakota has ever been fully naked in front of anyone, has he? He usually has his binder and underwear on still.

Daniel Siegfried

he's had his underwear off during the j/o session. and the rehearsal. kept the binder on but that don't count.


Thanks for fixing the typo. Wasn't going to mention it, but it is a bug-bear of mine. Excellent work as usual. This can only get better.


I love this so much!

Daniel Siegfried

that feel when you join Nudest Beach and you're the only one wearing clothes