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LOOKS LIKE WE’RE ALL GETTING NAKED TONIGHT! Not much went on this weekend. Just work, work, work. It’s been raining all weekend, so that’s been kinda dreary. Started playing Shadow of Mordor, that’s pretty neat. Did some Final Fantasy XIV stuff. Real excited about that next expansion, as you could probably guess from Leslie’s twitter feed. Other than that, not a whooole lot else. Though this Wednesday, we’ll be getting our new bed! THAT’S super exciting (for us, anyways). For those that missed it, we splurged and got one of those fancy Purple brand mattresses since we haven’t had a new one in what I’ve now learned is about 20 years now. We’ll let you know if it’s worth it!

See you on Friday!



Justin Wood

Panel 5 Suria is a reaction macro if I've ever seen one. And I'm glad Liz is finally (assuming we don't hit any other snags) going to start being able to open up!


Congrats on page 800!!




Loving the page, but also super intrigued on how the mattresses go. I have a Casper that's honestly second hand but still less than 6 years old. Could be better.

Michael Butchin

THE PENNY DROPS! Awwwww, Elizabeth is being awfully brave, here. 🥰

Mystic Mind

Now that's the bombshell I was hoping for! Here's hoping Friday's strip means they do all get naked, at last =D.


YES! Naked shenanigans will finally include Elizabeth!


800 pages! And still my favourite comic! Very excited for Fridays page!

Aeryn Light

I love my Purple mattress! I hope you enjoy yours. Also, go Liz!!


Get naked and fuck Dakota! (with consent of course)

Daniel Siegfried

Suria with the big brain Calculations