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New page! Just kinda SFW.


If you're wondering why this page is kind of late, it's because we had to come up with some unique album art for Steg and Suria. But then, what started out as simple album art became a full-fledged $15 print. But because Patreon's image-upload thing is kinda weird, we're going to have to make a second post. See you again soon!



Ken Snider

Love it! One comment (nitpick?) though - if you have someone talking who's not actually in the scene, but is speaking within it (think, other side of a phone conversation), you usually use "spiky bubbles" for their text. Because the Rock Cocks are on tv here, I think you should use a different bubble, just to differentiate the conversation from what's actually happening in the room? I know you're using the square bubble for the narrator, but I think a third format makes sense?


Thanks for the feedback! I get where you're coming from, but the way we see it (or at least the way we tried to portray it) was that the scene transitions into the TV itself. Like, we're not in Roxanne's room but rather inside the TV for that bit. We also don't want to clutter the page with too many different formats of text going on at once, I think that might confuse more people or have an adverse affect on how the page reads. We definitely appreciate the feedback and it's something to consider going forward when we do future TV scenes, so thank you for the suggestion.

Ken Snider

That makes sense. :) either way, this chapter has been a great way to update us, thanks for an awesome way to introduce a character! :D

Nicholas A. Jalowick

The reporters talking about how sexy and graphic the Rock Cocks are feels like too much telling and not enough showing to me. Simply showing an orgy break out during one of their concerts should be enough to convince the readers of what kind of band RC is.


The reporter is more talking for their own in-universe viewers than they are for the benefit of our readers. We wanted to try to make this feel as close to an actual TV report as we could, and naturally, they're going to be more descriptive since the footage they show is limited by what they have and what they're legally allowed to show. They can't really show an orgy on TV because they're not ALLOWED to show one and because they only got to film Steg and Suria in the middle of their recording session. I do think it's a little too wordy for a comic, but I feel like it was necessary to keep the "feel" of a TV report. Thanks for the input, though!