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HAPPY HOLIDAYS, EVERYONE! Click here to see all the older Singles comics! 

It’s no big secret that I really love Christmas specials, so I’ve been dying to do a sweet, sappy Rock Cocks Christmas thing ever since we started the comic. Unfortunately, production and plot never lines us up well enough to actually do a big elaborate Christmas thing, but I thought we could at least do a Singles comic this year. This may seem a little sad considering real-life events (we ourselves both thankfully and sadly got confirmation from our families that Christmas is cancelled), but we still have each other over a distance, not to mention better, happier Christmases to come. Even now, no one is truly alone, and there’s always someone who loves you, misses you, and finds comfort in you being there. And if you don’t think that’s true, then you just haven’t found them. Dakota found them in the middle of a desert, and you will, too.

See you soon with new pin ups!

Update: Typo fixed! Thanks everyone!




That was so sweet I just got a cavity.




There's a wording mistake in this comic, I think Dakota means to say he just resigned* himself to being alone, not resided :)


Pane 3 I think it should be "I just... resigned myself" instead of "I just... resided myself"

Daniel S

So are you telling me the way to make friends is to hide out in the desert for years in the hopes that a couple of naked rockstars show up? Because I'm down with that.

Ken Snider

But, but.. what's in the booooooooooox? /bradpitt


Dakota is baby 💗🤍💙