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Sadly, we're gonna be sticking to two updates a week for a bit. Taxes have to be paid, so we're trying to get a Slipshine story done to help us cover them. At least this way we can hopefully build up a buffer. Either way, enjoy an early Rock Cocks!

See you soon!



A Guy

Hey, however often you post it, I love your comic, so keep up the good work! Any idea what the Slipshine story is about? As I'd love to see a continuation of that naked girl in the Space-RV's story. 'specially if she teaches the naked aliens how to be horny again. Ahem.


It's going to be a new story, since now that we're doing Rock Cocks, Blaster Nation, AND Slipshine, trying to design a populated alien world is a little too much to handle right now. However, if you liked space RV girl's story or the story about the detective girl streaking in her apartment complex, you're probably gonna like this one.