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Hey everyone! We wanted to do our part to get more people out in the voting booths, so we made this piece to put up on the free site. Of course we made a NSFW version as well~

We've already got our votes in early and I know a lot of you did too, but if there's any other American readers who haven't yet, please get out there on November 3rd and cast your vote! If your vote didn't mean anything, they wouldn't try so hard to prevent you from casting it. Dunk that shit in their faces.

I'm optimistic that our future's going to be a little brighter next time I post, but regardless, see you all when the smoke clears.




I haven't voted yet because I ran out of time to vote early. I will be there tomorrow.


Im voting tomorrow for the same person as he ran 3 years ago.


I filled out and deposited my ballot in an official ballot box the same day it arrived in the mail. This is the tenth presidential election I’ve voted in. I’ve never known one with more on the line.


I would like to ask you to reconsider. You've supported this comic for some time now, so I imagine something here must click with you despite the themes and characters being completely at odds with what you're voting for. I don't know what your life is like, so I won't assume. Instead, I'll tell you about mine has been like these last 4 years. Half of my family is Spanish and I've spent the last 4 years panicked over their possible deportation. The other half of my family has all caught covid, including my newborn nephew. My LGBT coworkers are terrified of losing their healthcare. One of them was maimed by the police during a peaceful protest. Everyone else I work with has been drained and depressed. The longer this administration goes on, the more at risk Rock Cocks becomes. It's not even a matter of when it will get removed thanks to the ever looming threats against net neutrality, new puritanical policies already affecting sites like tumblr, or even the very real targeted harassment campaigns from right-wingers attacking stuff like the very content Rock Cocks celebrates. Even shit like the handling of the pandemic cancelling all conventions, the lack of any stimulus or financial assistance, and the trade war has dealt huge blows to the sustainability of both our comic and the site that hosts it. I've had to take on several new roles and jobs just to keep everything afloat, and I genuinely don't know how much longer it can last like this. On top of all of this, at any wayward point, a medical emergency can bankrupt us to the point of ruin. Hell, let's not forget the 5 consecutive hurricanes we just experienced this year while my coworkers in California were on fire. But that's none of this administration's concern. And this is just from my experience. My friends, coworkers, and family have seen, experienced, and lost much worse thanks to this administration. We stand to lose so, so much. You could possibly lose this comic you've supported for years now. Do you have any actual, tangible things to gain from 4 more years of this? Are you truly comfortable throwing your vote to someone who has caused this much suffering? I'm voting for Biden because I truly believe he can help us, whereas Trump has, is, and will continue to hurt us in real, tangible, easily demonstrable ways. Not that Biden is some hero that will swoop down to save us, but at the very least he has actual plans that would be beneficial for all of us. That should be the point, to vote for the person who can better help us all. Please don't vote for someone who has already done so much damage.


Im sorry i cant biden is truly evil and i have seen enough of what he has done.


Icedragon, don't let yourself be duped. Whoever's convinced you that Biden is somehow "evil" compared to Trump is trying to take advantage of you. Only one candidate is trying to expand healthcare, invest in minority communities, provide a pathway to citizenship, restore LGBT rights, and make the rich pay their damn taxes, and that's Biden. I'm not going to lie and say Biden's past crime bill was good (and hell, even he admits it was a mistake) but it simply doesn't compare to the damage Trump is doing right now. If Biden fucks up, I'll be just as mad as I am now with Trump because this shit isn't a game. But I can PROMISE you he's not evil. Things can seriously get better than what we have. Don't trick yourself into voting against a better deal.


I've always said I don't give Damn who you support I don't care if you scribble penises on your ballot just as long as you actually go and vote thats all that matters


I'm voting for the person who actually loves and wants to benefit America and not just himself... Joe Biden.


Sorry for the late reply all im going to say to not argue is just wait and see what happens on election day.

Sedric And Charlie

I'm in the UK so the US election is not mine to participate in (not that we've covered ourselves in glory the last, uh, three or four times -at least- that we undertook democratic process), but I wish you all good luck


As a British person living in the US I wanted to say thank you for sharing your views so well in response to the post above. There is so much love in this country and even though things are very cloudy for a lot of people right now, I know we will get through this and make a better tomorrow. I appreciate everything you do and you have my support for life <3


Is Leslie still doing the color/art? The style has shifted in the last few pages.


For page 760 Leslie started using the new style as she said it's much more fun to draw! I love it. It gives everyone a softer look... Makes me love steg even more than I already did!


Both are good, I feel like the original style is a little bit more unique/uncommon. Keeping stuff fun is important though.