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New page! Need to catch up? Click here to read the rest of the comic! 

Thanks for waiting! Leslie FINALLY managed to get a good night's sleep last night. Doesn't seem to be anything more than stress, which...honestly, probably won't go away for a while considering the state of everything. But, we'll be exercising and trying to stay physically healthy, which does definitely help mental health to a degree. 

Can't wait to post the next page. We're doing something that's been a lot of fun writing-wise and I can't wait to see what you think. See you on Wednesday!



Mystic Mind

Honestly? Suria's got a point. While it's not Seth's fault she's being used as chess pieces in a game of revenge against Seth, the amount of info he's withholding from all the Rock Cocks crew is getting ridiculous. And he *did* dump Elizabeth on them to play ambassador instead of talking to them directly, I have to feel for poor ol' Liz with how much middle managing she's forced to do. It may not be Sterling's fault the Rock Cocks are getting black listed, but if I were in Suria's position? I'd be fed up with him as well.


I feel you'd still be considered a bitch for being so vindictive of Elizabeth who I can't recall doing anything wrong. Maybe I've forgotten some part but I can't think of a time where she would have deserved such treatment.


I remember them calling in an agent on Melody, but I at least get Seth's justification for it.

Daniel S

Suria's absolutely got a point, and Elizabeth is there as Seth's representative. Seth pulled some really shady shit, and instead of talking to them like adults, he threw Elizabeth at them and bailed. Unfortunately, they signed a contract, so there may not be a way out for them, and Seth may be their best option at this point anyway.


I really hope that at one point Elizabeth will get a bunch of apologies. For being thrown into a situation she feels uneasy with (naked bus, stuff like people assuming her breakfast taste instead of asking first, and having no real space only for herself), being used as someone the Rock Cock team can now be angry at (instead of the actual cause, which is Seth), and being angry at her when they could actually try to be angry at Seth together... I really feel sorry for her at the moment. 👀


I feel that if they're going to complain about being used by Seth they should at least show compassion for Elizabeth, who is in a very similar situation. She's being forced into these positions by Seth and to be antagonized would personally piss me off to no end.


Also, even if they severed their contract, I'm not seeing what their options are. What would they do instead of continuing to work on this tour? They torched their broken down bus and were homeless on the street before joining Seth. The other three aren't in much better position considering they were in pretty terrible spots before joining in. Where would any of them go if they dropped everything and left? Considering how their tour has gone so far, what record company of any refute would give them a chance now anyways? It's kinda hard to stick with a new record company when no venue will take you and you would then have the fact you left you broke your last contract over your head as well. I just can't see what they would gain by leaving.