Four Pin-Ups for November (Patreon)
2015-10-30 17:09:31
Hey guys! Just letting you know that we're doing something a little special for our $10 patrons this month. Instead of the usual two pin-ups, we've made FOUR lewd pin-ups of Steg and Suria, centered around the theme of "underwear"! Our $10 groupies can expect to receive them around November 4th. For those that are at the Roadie tier or below, if you increase your pledge to $10 by October 31st, not only will you get these four lewd pin-ups, but you'll get access to the previous 26 pin-ups given out all last year! Our $10 Groupies can expect to see some really interesting pin-ups coming in the next few months.
We'll have a new Rock Cocks page up later today! See you again soon!