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SETH'S GONE FERAL! Leslie lost her shit when she read this part in the script. The next few pages are definitely gonna be interesting.

Sadly, no Christmas miracle for us, it seems. We got our electrical permit sent off, but our electrical company won't do anything until after the holidays. Both holidays. We will maybe have electricity in our house by January 2nd. And then we still gotta get the trim-out crew to actually finish up our trailer so it could be the middle of January before we can start moving in. Kind of bummed out about it.

But at least we only have two more steps left, even if they're really long ones! We're still almost there! And at least this should give us some more time to work and get a buffer going before we move into the house. Really want to get back to 3 comics a week soon.

We're going to have a merry Christmas no matter where we are, and we hope you all have a happy holiday, too! See you on Friday!




1) Ya'll deserve a good holiday. You've spent a lot of time dealing with BS left and right. Take the time you need to enjoy family and sitch and I hope things are finished quickly after the New Year. 2) Seth has gone INSANE. I don't know what meds or whatever he's on but hot damn he's a mess. 3) A slight request kinda; When the house is up and you're in, any possibility you could livestream the christening of the dick wall? Cus that would be awesome.


Thank you so much! We hope you have a good holiday, too! Unfortunately, we're not going to have internet in our house for a few weeks after we move in, so livestreaming won't be possible. We do hope to stream more once we're living there, though!


Darn! I guess pictures will have to do. Dang internet companies.


Seth is truly losing his mind. Insert the "I picked a bad day to quit..." gag from Airplane! here.