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I'm not really sure where to begin.

So, my mom bought 20 acres of land. When she died, that went to my step-dad, which would then later be divided up among him, myself, and my three other brothers. Earlier this year, the paperwork was finally filed to actually divide up that land, giving Leslie and I the 2.5 acres we inherited which kickstarted this whole house-buying thing. The reason this land was finally divided up after all this time was because my step-dad was in danger of getting foreclosed on. He was at risk of losing his house and all 20 acres of land, since it was in his name. This is something we just found out today.

A land surveyor was hired to split up all the sections of land. This way, if worse came to worse, my step-dad would only lose his plot of land and me/my brothers would be unaffected. Here's where the bad news comes in: The land surveyor did it wrong. He charted the map right and he placed spikes in the dirt in the right locations, but the actual numbers he wrote were off by 330 feet, which has basically led the local government to believe that our land has flipped. My land is now on my step-dad's house, and my step-dad's land is now 10 acres of woods. Because of this discrepancy, the bank can't accept it. We found out today that the due date on my step-dad's foreclosure was the end of this month. If this doesn't get figured out within 9 days, all 20 acres default back to my step-dad and the bank takes everything. We don't just lose our land, my family loses EVERYTHING.

I'm waiting to hear back from our family's attorney now. We were three papers away from being able to buy our house and then just...all of this. It's terrifying. All we can do is wait. It doesn't help that A) my step-dad doesn't speak much English and B) my oldest younger brother is an absolute piece of shit who refuses to sign or pay for anything (but still wants his plot of land) and C) the land surveyor is an old dickhead who barely knows how to work a computer. Everything is kind of against us right now, but...we'll just have to see how it goes.

So...yeah. I'm really sorry. No update on Friday. We're going to be spending most of our time driving, signing paperwork and...mostly panicking. Please, please wish us luck. Not even just for us, just for my family. My oldest younger brother may be a piece of shit, but my two younger brothers are just the best siblings I could ever ask for and my step-dad is a good person. I don't want them to lose their house. My second youngest, Noah, he's learning how to be a carpenter so he can build his own house on his land. It was the last thing my mom gave us. I don't want any of us to lose it.

I'm trying not to sound too dramatic but it's actually too hard to type and cry at the same time. Thank you all so much for your support. We wouldn't be able to get through this without you. You've helped us all so much and I won't let it go to waste.

I'll update you all as soon as we learn something.



Sounds like chaos. Here's wishing you guys the best possible outcome from all of this. Let us know if there's anything we can do to help y'all out.


I’m praying everything works out! This is a super shitty situation.


Oh no! I'm so sorry y'all are dealing with this. What a nightmare. I hope everything can get sorted out!


Good luck

Justin Wood

Fucking hell, and right after I ask about what the house is going to look like too. Shouldn't the goddamn surveyor be the one getting in shit for this? Why the hell should you guys be fucked over by it?


I know it doesn't help but still sending you guys love <3. Sorry you gotta deal with such a shitty situation.


HOOOOOOOOLD UP. I ain't kosher just sitting here after a story like that. Do y'all need anything? Like, help with legal costs? Referrals to Grade-A lawyers? Something? The way you described this, this land was a long time coming. Perhaps this may not necessarily be my fight, or our fight as a collective, but damn I'd feel like shit if an offer for support wasn't made. What can we do? Personally, I still want that wall of dicks erected LMAO! I hope everything goes as well as possible, but if there's any chance we can lend a hand, please let us know! May good days find you guys soon <3


Thank you so much for your support, I really can't stress enough how much that means. Unfortunately, we're still just waiting for our attorney to get back to us. We don't know how much it will cost, how long it will take, or if we can do anything at all. But even still, you all do plenty enough for us. If we absolutely need more help, we'll ask, but you guys provide so much already that hopefully it'll cover anything that comes up.

Frédéric B.

I hope you'll make it through and save your house and land! Good luck!


Jesus christ, wishing the absolute best of luck to you guys!!

John Kenny

Hoping and praying for the best!!!

Michael Butchin

Awwwwww. That's horrible! I hope things work out for you. Surely the bank would work with you, considering the circumstances?


I wish y'all the best of luck and will be sending any and all of my positive vibes y'alls way!


I know things are stressful with you guys and stuff seems rough. Just hang on through these rough days; things will work out. You and Leslie are strong. You’re gonna make it and things are gonna get better for you two.


I'm so sorry to hear this. :(

A Guy

Holy shit. Hang in there. I mean, this whole thing is a clusterfuck but hey, that's what lawyers are for, right?

Carol Morris

This is so heartbreaking. I can't imagine the stress you're under. Please let us know if there's any extra help you need. I really hope everything works out for you.


Take care of yourselves and this fiasco first. Comics can wait.

Valley Dweller

Take care of you and yours. We're rooting for you!


Whoa, I am so sorry that after everything was going well for you that suddenly everything went downhill, but I'm hoping that things work themselves out and you do end up getting your plot of land. You and Leslie have worked way too hard to suddenly lose everything.


Jesus fucking Christ, that is some bad shit. Good luck.


Hope you get through this!


Holy damn that's a lot of bullshitery to happen at once. You both really wanted that house and we wanted it for you. I'm sorry things are going as they are. I really hope things work out and you get some semblance of land. <3


Aw man, that's horrible. I wish you the best of luck and really really hope everything works out. And please take all the time you need!


Man, this is rough... Bureaucracy always finds a way to mess with people. I hope that everything will be sorted out soon!


We are all behind you here! Whatever happens, wherever you go, whatever the world throws at you, just know we LOVE what you add to our lives with your work. <3


Best of luck, it's a shitty situation to be in but I'm sure you can pull through!


Oh, shit. Here's hoping for the best for you two. You guys might be giving us a comic full of naughty jiggly bits, but it's also full of heart. You make a whole bunch of people smile regularly, and I'm hoping that the outcome of this whole fiasco will make you smile too. You deserve it.

Berry Punch

Dude, that's freaking rough. I'm praying for ya'll to come through this situation on top.

Ben Burch

Sue the land surveyor.