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Here they are, it's August's pin ups! (Plus all the old pin ups, too!) Click here to check them out!  

BEACH PARTY! Leslie was just really inspired to draw a big ol' party scene since we haven't done one in a while. We wanted to incorporate the majority of the cast, so Billy/Emily/Roxanne also got in there. Emily looks too fucking cool in her innertube. Dakota and Elizabeth's interaction was all Leslie's idea, but Seth and Georgie's was all mine. I just can't help myself.

Thanks again for your amazing support! See you soon with a new page!



Justin Wood

Everyone looks great, love the tan on Suria. :O

Mobius Scarf

Love this! Would love to see more group shot pin-ups in the future (when you can manage it, obviously).


Glad I upped my pledge. I love the pinups.