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New page! Click Track 13 to check it out, or click the other tracks to catch up! 

Even during sad, tense times, Suria knows the best way to make a bad situation better.

Gotta work on Patreon rewards this weekend! Any suggestions for what you all want to see in the pin ups? Let us know!

Also, if you guys want to see me play some drunken Mario Party with some streamer friends of mine, check out twitch.tv/geepm this Friday, July 26th and 7:30 PM EST! This is my first time playing ANY sort of drinking game let alone a drunken Mario Party, so this is going to be either terrible or amazing. Either way, it'll be fun!

See you on Monday!






NGL, I'd love to see more Elizabeth. >.> She's my favorite character. Not sure in what way though. :/


She’s all pissed and upset and shit over being blacklisted and specialized and she wants Steg to get naked for her. Ah priorities


All jokes aside, damn! The two of you did an amazing job with Suria these last few pages!


It might be fun to see Dakota and Elizabeth together (I mean, we know they're both thinking about it), because there hasn't been anything like that in a while. Or maybe some of the characters doing a bit of burlesque?


I've really loved the pages with Seth and Georgie with Steg, and would love to see Dakota getting in there for some guy time too!