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Hey guys...unfortunately, we're going to have to delay Friday's comic. As you may have heard from the news recently, our city of New Orleans is currently in a state of emergency as Hurricane Barry storms towards us. Leslie and I have evacuated the city and have had to leave our computers behind (we're on the second floor though, so unless this turns into a huge catastrophe, they SHOULD be fine).

We're currently taking shelter in Leslie's family house about an hour north from New Orleans. It's not quite out of the way of the hurricane's trajectory, but we know this place has dodged floods before, thanks to its location. We should be much safer here. We've got our laptop and iPad, but without our computers, we can't really finish the page proper. Plus, it's still more than likely that we'll be losing power. Here's a screenshot of the work we managed to get done on the page before this, but we'll have to come back home on Sunday and finish it up before you can see the full thing.

Real sorry about this, everyone. Hopefully, this will be the last delay for quite some time. Fuck this fucking hurricane, we'll get through this shit and be back at work in no time. See you all again soon! Wish us luck!

Update: Leslie finished the inks on the page, so here they are! Things are starting to look kind of hairy though, so we'll be disappearing for now! See you again soon!




Stay safe.


Dude, you guys are in the middle of a freaking Hurricane. The last thing you need to do is apologize. Just stay safe out there, and do what you gotta do to be ok. Your guys' wellbeing matters far more than a timely update.


You guys stay safe! Don't worry about the comic; your lives are more important to your readers than comic updates


All good, stay safe out there!


Safety first!

Justin Wood

Stay safe, I'm more concerned for you lovely perverts than I am about missing 1 page out of the rest of the story, should something horrible happen.


Dont worry! Stacy Sade!

Dracon Atrox

I think I speak for all of us fans that we would rather have you stay safe, and miss an update or two, than you guys put yourselves in danger to get this one out on time, and risk no more updates, EVER. Stay safe, we'll be patient, lol!


Bee safe, y'all! Here's hoping everything turns out ok!!


Not a problem. Stay safe and we'll see you next week. All the best from Tornado Alley.


Don't worry about the update! Just stay safe and take care of yourselves! Your well being is way more important right now.


Just be safe. That is the most important part. <3

Professor Harmless

Stay Safe you guys. Will try to help as much as we can.