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Hey everybody! As you may have heard, Leslie and I have inherited some land and we're trying to get it all cleared off so we can put a manufactured home on the plot within the next three months when our apartment lease runs out. Even though a manufactured home is definitely cheaper than most, it's still not a whole lot of time to get a downpayment going and unfortunately, our savings can't quite cover it. So, not only have we upgraded our tiers a bit, we thought we'd introduce a new temporary $15 tier to help raise the funds...


At $15, you will get every single prior reward. That includes the Vintage Collection, Leslie's game updates and playable builds, early comics, 40+ bonus Singles comics, and 130+ pin ups. But not only will you get all that, you'll also get an even greater reward. In fact, it could be the greatest reward of all.

If you pledge to this tier, Leslie and I will write your preferred name on a paper dick and stick it on a designated Wall of Fame inside our house once it is built, where it will remain there FOREVER. 

Yes, this is a serious reward.

This was actually suggested by fellow Patron Jonathan Howe and we just fell in love with the idea so hard that we had to make it happen. Seriously, you guys are helping us build a fucking house. What better way to memorialize your contribution by making your name a part of it? We will specially order hand-cut dick stickers and write each and every name on this tier and stick it to our wall. You can pick whatever name you want and whatever color (provided it's a basic color and not like "puce" or something). The more money we get, the fancier and more elaborate the dick wall will be. And yes, you better believe we're going to take some fucking pictures. 

This is a crazy-ass reward that is sure to embarrass Leslie in front of her family should they ever see it, but we both agreed that it is absolutely the best and most fitting thing we could ever do. This will legit be The House That Cocks Built, and it will all be thanks to your contributions! We want to make sure we never forget you and all the help and support you've given us to make this house happen, and we literally won't be able to if we see your name on our wall every single day! So please, help us get our house made and get your name on a DICK.

Please note: This tier will ONLY be available from now until our house is actually built, which we're aiming for around October. Once the house is ready, this tier will be GONE. If you'd like to stay pledged longer than one month, we'll try to make your dick fancier based on how long you're pledged. Also, if your name is different from your Patreon account, please let us know whatever you'd like your name to be!

Thank you all so much! Let us know if you have any ideas on how to make this tier even better (within reason! We're trying to save money for a house, after all)! See you soon with the first page of Track 13!




How can I not join this tier?


You guys are a treasure on this site, I love getting your e-mail updates and I'm so happy that things are going well for you. Of course I want my name on the Wall of Fame lol. Good luck, and give Bruce a pet for all of us.

Supreme Hentai Sensei

I just upped my patreon to the $15 tier. Can I message you guys a request for my name?


How could I NOT upgrade to $15 tier?!? It was my idea!! I can't WAIT to see this wall of dicks!


Yep I upgraded to $15 too. Me and my wife are thrilled to help even a tiny bit with your new life!! <3 <3

Dominique Gabriel

Long time i wanted to become a patreon for Leslie and Brad, now it's done, this wall will have some french dicks on it.


OK, I'm on board. How do I send you my preffered name? (I'm too much a Luddite to do those facebook-like things)


You can send me a direct message here on Patreon! You should find the option just by clicking the name here

Dracon Atrox

You might want to watch John Oliver's video on Mobile Homes, so you can see some of them pitfalls. But I'm freaking happy for you guys!