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Hey guys! We got some sweet news for you, but first, let's talk your usual rewards! This month, we've got some summer time sexy shots of Dakota and Elizabeth as they cool off from the heat! Ooh la la~! We've also got another page for the Clover/Coral origin story! All your favorite roadies are accounted for in this month's rewards! What's that? You want more Steg and Suria? You'll get plenty of them with early Rock Cocks pages once Track 13 officially kicks off this Wednesday, July 3rd! And don't forget, you'll get ALL the old rewards too!

Want these rewards but you're not in the respective tiers? Pledge any time in July to get instant access to them! $5 gets you a month of ongoing early Rock Cocks comics and 42 bonus Singles comics, while $10 gets you all that wonderful shit PLUS 130 beautifully lewd pin ups of all your favorite characters! Offer is available throughout the entire month! BUT THAT'S NOT ALL!

If you haven't yet seen it, Leslie's been working on an interactive Rock Cocks tour bus game! She's having a lot of fun programming and making assets, so we thought we'd work it into our rewards and give you updates on its progress! Because of that, we've given our reward tiers a bit of an update. Here's what's changing:

As you may have noticed, we've updated the Vintage Collection again! There's new art, new beta sketches, and we'll now be adding any art assets Leslie makes for the Rock Cocks game! Since there's now like over 400 files in the Vintage Collection, we'll be increasing the Backstage Pass tier price from $1 to $2. This price will go into effect on July 3rd, so everyone currently pledged will still get it at $1! We owe it you guys for staying pledged to us for so long! Thank you all so much!

$5 Roadie and $10 Groupie tiers will get access to the interactive Rock Cocks tour bus game whenever new builds are ready! It's still very early in development, but we'll be keeping you updated with blog posts chronicling Leslie's progress until we have something playable. Of course, you'll still get your normal rewards as well! This game is something we're just doing on the side. The Rock Cocks comic always takes first priority!

Lastly, we'll have a new tier available soon. It's stupid. It's ridiculous. It's awesome. We'll talk about it later, but rest assured: It will be the dumbest, greatest thing you'll ever have the option to pledge to.

That's all for now! Rewards will go out around 10:00 AM CST on July 1st! See you then, and thank you all so much!



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