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"WHOA WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT UP THERE?! IS THAT A PIXEL RENDITION OF THE COCKPIT WITH THE WHOLE CREW PRESENT?!" You yell at the monitor. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, 'GAME'?!" You add. But we'll get back to that in a sec.

So, status update! Thank you all so much for being so patient! This break couldn't have come at a better time. We went traveling to find some apartments out in the countryside where our house would eventually be. What we found...wasn't pretty. Look, our standards are super low. We're from Louisiana for god's sake, we don't know what higher standards of living look like. But these apartments were abysmal. Smoke-stained walls, dead insects littering the carpet, flood damage, high prices, a pool with a warning sign saying the water was dangerous to our health(?!). Everything we found depressed the hell out of us. We were ready to bite the bullet, pinch our noses and just live in one of these dumps for the foreseeable future until we could eventually get our house going.

But then, just out of curiosity, we stopped by a mobile home lot. Yes, we looked at some trailers. Although they call them "manufactured homes" now, because trailers kind of have a stigma to them.  Honestly, I'm kind of worried about even bringing it up, because I know people might look down on us for it, but...guys, these trailers were so fucking nice. They were nicer than the home we originally wanted to build, with more living space and half the price. Not only that, but the layouts were more in line with what we need for our lifestyle. They were perfect. Perfect trailers. We found our new home. We're gonna buy a nice-ass trailer for half of what we were going to spend on a house.

And then we realized...we have three months before our current lease is up. If we save up more money, we could just skip living in another apartment and just move straight into our beautiful new "manufactured" home. The downpayment is low enough for us to cover, we just need to get the land cleared off in time and save up money to cover everything. It's absolutely doable. But I won't lie and say I wouldn't love some more help!

So, what's up with that image all the way above this wall of text? Well, during our break, Leslie's learned how to program via GameMaker! Not only is she learning at an alarming rate, but she's also just having a whole lot of fun with it!  You can see the thing in motion here on Leslie's twitter. We're hoping to have a fully playable, interactive bus tour soon for you guys! This will be a Patron-exclusive reward for everyone pledging $5 and up. We just need to add some animation and dialogue, all the other assets are pretty much already made (all hand-drawn, pixel-by-pixel by Leslie~). We'd like to make an actual game at some point and kind of have an idea in the works, so this would be a good prototype. Don't worry, this won't take away from the comic itself! This is purely something we're doing for fun on the side.

We're also trying to figure out ways to increase more interest in our Patreon. I know some interest was shown in a Discord, but unfortunately, we'd have to set it at the $10 tier, since there's exclusive content locked behind that tier and we don't want to limit people's ability to discuss them. If that's okay (or you know a way to circumvent that issue, or if you don't think it's as much of an issue as we think it is), let us know! We're also giving it some heavy thought, and as Patron Jonathan Howe suggested in our last post, we'd absolutely love to dedicate an entire wall of our eventual new home to our Patrons. We still need to iron out all the details, but basically, we want to order a TON of paper dicks, write everyone's names on them, and stick them to our wall. That seems like the most fitting way to honor all you glorious perverts and thank you for letting us get to where we are. That said, though, we're currently at 1,000 Patrons already (WHICH IS INCREDIBLE).  I don't know if it's actually feasible to stick 1,000 paper dicks on a wall, especially if more join up before our house goes up. This may be another thing we have to lock behind a tier, though we don't know which yet. Is that something you'd all be down for? Let us know!

Other than all that, I'm currently writing the next chapter, Leslie's working on Patreon rewards, and this weekend we're going back down to get more trailer planning done! Everything's coming up aces! Thanks for suffering through my giant-ass blog post, thanks for being so patient, and we're hoped you're ready for another awesome Rock Cocks chapter! We're gonna put everything we've got into it! See you all again real soon!



Nitro The Dog

Congrats on finding a home you like! I have a family member who lives in a "double wide" trailer home and it's actually super spacious and has an addition put on it to be a hot tub room on top of already being basically two trailers joined together to make a 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom house. They can be quite large and make really nice homes!


Only thing, be careful of the park you put your home in. They can jack up the prices on the land and if you're not careful, you won't be able to move out before it becomes unmanageable.


Oh no, it won't be on a trailer park. It'll be on the land I inherited. A completely different hurdle, as we still gotta clear it off, build a driveway and get utilities out there

Doc Von Braun

Congrats guys!! I'll never knock a manufactured home again. Friend of mine is living in one and it's nice as hell!


Sounds like a great idea on getting a mobile home. Those things can be amazing. I’m thinking the best way to get 1000 cocks on one wall is to stick just the root of the dick to the wall. Bend the paper 90° and you’ll soon have a forest of construction paper cocks waving at you from the cock wall.

A Guy

Kudos on a mobile home! And you're also putting it on your own land, which is a BIG thing. John Oliver did a really funny/depressing thing about mobile homes on Last Week Tonight a few weeks ago-- I'd definitely recommend giving it a watch just as a head's up. (Which hardly substitutes for real research, but still!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCC8fPQOaxU


Regarding Discord, what you can do is have channels for Patrons that pledge enough for the exclusive stuff and ask that they keep chatter to those channels. In my experience, most people are cool enough to honor that. Then the rest of the channels are open to either all patrons or the general public (your choice on that one).


Oh SNAP!! I was mentioned!! :O I seriously love you guys. The dedication you're putting towards this comic and everything involved is outstanding. <3 I won't lie, though, I saw that pixel picture and I got REALLY excited cus I thought that we were gonna get a Rock Cocks Dating sim and now I REALLY want one.


(Gonna add to this) There IS a way to give roles on Discord Servers. If you wanted a place people could go to talk about random things you can do that. You can ALSO set up certain channels that can only be seen/talked in by certain levels of patrons. This blog post shows how you can do that: https://blog.patreon.com/integrating-with-discord

A. Hallister

That's awesome, I honestly don't get what all the hate against those are. I mean, they're literally the same damn thing as 'tiny houses', but somehow those are 'boutique' and have no stigma? I'm just glad you've got your own land to put it on! Rock on!


You know, I am enthused, in a manner most unseemly, at the idea of a paper dick with my name on it waving in the breeze...


Haha he's so large compared to everyone else in the bus!


Watched the video and WOW some people are just fucking evil, aren't they? Yeah, luckily we'll at least be avoiding having to deal with trailer park vultures. Gonna be a bit harder to avoid Clayton Homes, but even with the absurdly high interest rate, the mortgage will still be cheaper than what we're paying in rent now. Thanks for linking that video!

A Man with Joe Name

Congrats on the plan to move into a new home. Mobile homes / Manufactured homes are really a great deal especially since you own your own land. Make sure the sale price includes all the delivery and set up. And if you can, try to have it placed on a cement slab instead of on jack stands. It will feel much more like a build house, and eliminates a lot of problems down the road. It's more expensive, but worth it in the long term.


I love the pixel art, would be so happy if my pledge was also going towards a game, and congrats on your new home!


The pixel art looks good! I used this tutorial when I started with game maker and it really helped me get the basics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izNXbMdu348


Wow, this is great! Congrats folks!

Carol Morris

Land where we are is too expensive, because otherwise we'd have absolutely jumped on getting a mobile home! They're so nice and it's fantastic how cheap they are. I think I love best how efficiently they use space. Congrats on finding something that fits you!


Make sure to actually buy the land you're gonna live on. Some mobile homes can actually be pretty terrible for your finances long term. Efit: saw that someone beat me to it on the video and comments about some predatory practices. Just be careful with loan s and rates, maybe see if you can find some financial counsel online. Best of luck! https://youtu.be/jCC8fPQOaxU


If all the dicks get to be too much, what about putting our names on our favorite characters?