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Happy to see the positive reception towards the Kim designs we posted yesterday! We'll try to get some comics out for that next month. Right now, we gotta focus on Rock Cocks and Patreon rewards. We'll be continuing the Clover/Coral story from last month, and this month's pin ups will just be some straight up super lewd shots of Steg and Suria fucking. They're just really fun to draw fucking!

Also, holy shit, are we really at page 600?! How the hell are we already like, 90 pages past where we ended Blaster Nation? It barely feels like we even begun! That's probably a good sign, right? God damn, I love doing this comic. Here's to 600 more!

See you on Wednesday!




Yeah, I don’t care if they’re the bad guys. I love them. Especially Emily.


Congrats on the 600 pages!


This is going to be a bit random, since it’s probably just meant to be a generic bridge, but I can’t help but think that that’s the I-10 bridge over the Mississippi River going into Baton Rouge at rush hour... or am I just reading way too much into this? ;) Also, seriously, congratulations on 600 pages!