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Tonight's Rock Cocks is up, with a special little treat...an actual song for you to listen to! Scroll all the way down the page! http://therockcocks.com/index.php?id=68 HOW CRAZY IS THAT SHIT? The person who wrote/performed the song would like to remain anonymous for right now, but hopefully we'll get to reveal them soon. Either way, they did an amazing job and hopefully we can work together more in the future. I hope you guys like it!




Holy crap this gets even better! I wanna hear more!


That was friggin rad! I'd buy/play the hell out of this album. Really hope we get more like this!


I thought (especially from the mic position in the comic) that Suria sang?


I hope we get to find out the mystery person behind the music.


Can we add a new goal tier to have more songs be made or have what songs will come out be full length? Make this full on metalocalypse!!!


I've listened to that song way too many times since this got posted :P Any chance yall could make it public on Soundcloud so we could put it in playlists and things?