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New page! NSFW! Click Track 11 to check it out, or click the other tracks to catch up!

Yeah, it's good writing these two again. I'm having a lot of fun with the banter between the Rock Cocks and Rocket Roller. Going back and rereading track 2, we didn't use Billy and Emily nearly enough then. Trust me, you'll be seeing plenty of them from here on out!  Finally have a reason to start putting them in the pin ups again, too!  Hope you like the callback to Suria flipping Emily's skirt!

Thanks so much for all your support! See you on Friday! 




Ha! I completely forgot about the skirt flip


Despite Big Iron’s hangups- sorry, I meant strict moral codes, I’m sure he still got his jollies at getting a full on view of Suria’s goods.

Nucleus Brain

Eh.... Am I the only one who doesnt like Rocket Roller? I feel theyre kinda bland, and the Story doesnt really need a villain.


I really like having antagonists! Especially such hateable ones. To each their own