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Hey guys! The vintage collection kind of gets buried with all these other posts, so periodically, I'll be reposting the link so you new people don't have to scroll down forever to find it! https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B5AT-gedH_IOfkVSVUNJSF8xVUhqdURlWnpoOHFtN0MtVHU5TFBBem5UV1VjMHlLWTc1cXc&usp=sharing Here's the link. Click the icon, hover over the window it opens, and if you look up at the top, you can find a download icon to just get the whole thing on your computer! All the old RC comics are on there, and there's even bonus art! It's all yours forever. Enjoy it! I'll be sending all you $10 and $100 backers your pin-ups momentarily. There's a couple of you that are still processing and quite a few declined cards, so please, message me if your payment goes through and you haven't gotten anything in the next few days! I want to give you your stuff! Sadly, some of you guys got in just as this month's backings were being collected, meaning you JUST missed it. Just hang on for the month and you'll have even more stuff to get by June 1st! Now, about that $1500 milestone. Unfortunately, between declined cards, unprocessed pledges, credit card fees and Patreon's cut, we lost about $400. Hopefully, some of that will get fixed, but it seems like $300-400 lost seems to be the standard each month. One of the biggest factors is that occasionally, people camp the $100 slots but either drop out or simply have their cards declined. We lost $200 just from that alone this month. I'm not saying this to guilt trip anyone, that's the last thing I'd want. But please, don't take up those slots if you can't pay! There are others who would like to get their cameos in! So, even though we were a bit off from the $1500 milestone, we should still talk about how we're going to handle it when we DO get to that amount. We talked in one of the previous posts about how a colorist really wouldn't shave off enough time to warrant the cost, but thanks to your comments, we figured out a better use for the extra money. Through the last half of April, we actually didn't have enough money to pay Freeglass to ink Blaster Nation, so we ended up having to do it ourselves. That really limited how much we could work on Rock Cocks. Instead of putting it towards the dating sim, we'd like to just save that money in case another situation like that occurs. Now that we're at this point, we'd like to start consistently updating Rock Cocks twice a week. If we save that extra money, then the next time we get into another pinch like in April, we can use those savings so that Freeglass can continually ink BN and we can work on RC more. If that money goes unused, then it'll just be put towards the dating sim. How does that sound? Let me know if you have any thoughts, suggestions, criticisms, anything! That's all for today. We'll have a new Rock Cocks up for you real soon!




Anthony B

I'm only a $1 a month backer, so take my opinion with a grain of salt ($1 a grain salt, who buys that!?), but I support this plan. My purpose for supporting is to see lots of quality RC. If you can do that and have money left over, use it for other purposes! But I do think it's good to keep some back to ensure you can continue delivering high quality and quantity comic. Keep up the good work! :)


I agree with Anthony. I came to support Rock Cocks because I love the comic and want to see more. If you can do that and still have money left over, use it for whatever you need to do to keep going.