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WOW I honestly didn't expect us to hit $1500. Not for like, many, many months from now. You crazy bastards really stepped up, though! I can't stress how great this is or how much we appreciate your support! We're not going to let you down! Now, Leslie and I have been talking. For the third milestone, we said we would hire someone to color Blaster Nation for us. But we came to realize something; coloring really doesn't take that long for us. I mean, I do the flat-colors anyways so that Leslie has time to work on other stuff. The only thing she has to do after is the shading, and that takes maybe 40 minutes tops. Hiring someone to color wouldn't really shave off a significant amount of time. It wouldn't really help us go any faster with these comics, not for the price we'd have to pay. We also don't want to have to hire outside assistance for Rock Cocks, because we kinda just want that to be us. So I dunno if there's anything else we can do to go faster here. HOWEVER, we DO have another project in the midst. If you read Blaster Nation and follow its tumblr, you might've seen this post: http://blasternation.tumblr.com/post/115220353397 We're working on a lewd dating sim for Blaster Nation. I said before that I didn't want to do a kickstarter for it as I think it's unnecessary, but people still wanted to back it in a sense. Eventually, we ARE going to need to hire someone to make music for the game. Instead of a colorist for Rock Cocks, what if we just save that extra money for funding towards the Blaster Nation dating sim? In return, we'll share our development process on the game here and occasionally do some lewd BN art for you Patrons. How's that sound? Let us know if you like the idea, don't like the idea, or have any other suggestions. Thank you again! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING. Rewards will be sent out tomorrow! Edit: Sorry for the dumb preview image. Can't figure out a way to remove it. Patreon's posting system kind of leaves a lot to be desired.





Ken Snider

As much as I appreciate the work you're doing, I actually supported RC to, you know, support RC - more frequent updates, assist you guys in keeping the incredible quality that you have been able to produce up until now, de-stress the creative process as much as possible. While I appreciate you wanting to begin other projects, I would much rather see the spirit of the "full time" milestone be maintained by helping to ease your burden with RC, if at all possible. Hope that makes sense, and thanks so much for your amazing creative work thus far!


Thanks Ken, I definitely see where you're coming from. I don't want you or anyone to feel like your money's being wasted. Right now, none of Leslie's time is going to the dating sim. She won't be doing art for it until I'm completely done with the writing, so you don't have to worry about her time being dedicated to something other than RC/BN for quite awhile. MY time will be split between these three projects, but honestly, writing doesn't take nearly as long as drawing, so I think that's fine on my end. Like I said in the post though, we're both really dead-set on Rock Cocks staying as a two-person project. We think hiring an outside inker or colorist would hinder the comic more than help it, because we both have a really clear vision of how it should look. We're not sure if anyone else could match that vision enough. We don't want to hire an assistant for Rock Cocks, and we don't think a colorist for Blaster Nation would shed enough time off to be worth the cost. So I'm just not really sure what we could do. How about this: We weren't able to bring Freeglass on for BN half of last month because we were hit with a lot of declined Patrons last month. That problem seems to be fixed this month though, so we'll bring Freeglass back for BN and try to work towards a steady two-page-per-week update schedule for RC this month. If we absolutely need the extra time to make SURE we can do two Rock Cocks a week, we'll hire him to do colors. How does that sound?


That sounds incredible. Kudos to reaching your final stretch goal, guys! And I can totally understand you guys wanting RC to be just you and Leslie. It's your baby and it has grown/will grow into something greater in the future.


If I might play the other side of the coin, I actually contributed to this Patreon as a way of supporting your work in it's entirety, since Blaster Nation didn't have it's own Patreon, nor is there one for you as an artist. Getting regular updates on Rock Cocks (which I actually also really enjoy), is just a bonus to me. I was actually really excited to hear this news, even though I don't have much personal interest in playing a Dating Sim (not my type of game). I don't contribute THAT much, so my opinion on this is purely my own, but really, I look forward to seeing what goes into your work, and seeing the quality of it improve through contributions, even if it's inadvertent. Way I see it, you guys do what you want to do, and if Rock Cocks and/or Blaster Nation improves due to my contribution, then more power to you! Either way, rock on guys! Your work is awesome and, to me, that's all that matters.


Let me see if I got this right: rather than hiring a colourist full-time you'll just pay for colouring to be done on the weeks when scheduling's too tight for you guys to manage doing it all yourselves. So does that mean any money from weeks where you don't need to pay for colouring will be going toward the BN dating sim?


I trust y'alls judgement! ^_^ I love all your works so do what feels best. Just don't overwork yourselves. Thanks for asking for patron input! I kind of agree with everybody, but mostly with Mr. Flynn^