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So, Leslie has the next three pages all penciled out, and we thought we'd give you a sneak peek at them! They get a bit abstract, 'specially the third page, but we thought it'd be cool to show you guys the artistic progress. Naturally, these pages contain spoilers, so view at your own discretion! http://therockcocks.com/image/59.jpg http://therockcocks.com/image/60.jpg http://therockcocks.com/image/61.jpg Though they've gone through some name and design changes, Billy and Emily were two characters we've always planned to be in the comic, even back in the original run. In the originals, though, they wouldn't show up until five chapters later. With the reboot, we realized we could put them in way earlier and set them up way better as characters. They used to be called "The Sub Watchers" in our early designs for them, the name coming from an old 60s phrase teens used to use when they planned to go park their car by the lake and make out with each other, telling their parents or friends they were going out to "watch the submarines race". It was a stupid name. Billy used to be named "Joe", because at the time, both Joe and Emily's names were derived from two major characters in The Protomen's songs. Neither of them had last names, either. Once we realized their names were a little too lame, we found some inspiration in the way certain anime and Japanese video game characters have ridiculously cool and goofy names that just seem to throw English words together. Hence, we now have the 60s throwback rockabilly band Rocket Roller, with frontman Billy Rocket and keytarist Emily Roller. Their designs have been consistent throughout, however. Billy was always meant to be a smooth-talking greaser in leather with slicked back hair, and Emily was always meant to be a deadpan cutie on rollerskates. There are some other (sexier) quirks about them that we've yet to reveal, but you'll just have to find out what they are! Let us know what you think! We're interested to hear your feedback! PS. Here's the first designs of Billy and Emily we ever posted, just so you can see what they were originally planned to look like. http://tissueboxcomics.tumblr.com/post/94887559047





Rocket Roller is massive step up from Sub Watchers. Soon as I read the name/saw their outfits I immediately twigged what their whole schtick was. 'Sub Watchers' might've been a bit too obscure for that. Also I love characters with obvious themes and quirks, might be why I love the Ace Attorney games so much. Personally I find it quite interesting to see pages at the sketch stage, since I'm always wondering what the process of professional webcomic artists is. I don't suppose sometime in future you'd consider showing a page when it's at the flat colour stage? Also I'm pretty sure that's my character cameo in panel 1 of page 59 :D