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Leslie and I finally finished Final Fantasy XV! I'm a pretty big Final Fantasy fan and Leslie's just been recently getting into the series through XIV and IX, and I think it's safe for both of us to say...boy, what a fucking disappointment. The first few hours of just dicking around the open world with your car and your buds is great, but as soon as it tries to dive into its nonsensical, obtuse, muddied story, it just becomes a trainwreck. I know the game has been through ten years of development hell and it fucking shows, but boy I can't imagine anyone was happy with how the final product came out. It's like in a cooking show where the contestants completely both their presentation, so they present their dish as a "deconstruction". Most of the ingredients are technically on the plate, but they're just kind of thrown on there in a way that looks terrible and doesn't taste particularly good, either.

That said, I did like the basic premise of a roadtrip story with friends. In essence, that's basically what Rock Cocks is. And in beating Final Fantasy XV, I ended up learning a lot about what not to do when telling this kind of story. So I guess in a way, beating this game ended up helping to make a better Rock Cocks. That's how I'm going to rationalize it, anyways. If you beat Final Fantasy XV and want a good video to watch on its failings along with a dose of optimism for the future of the series, watch this Super Eyepatch Wolf video. It's great.

See you on Monday!



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