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New page! Slightly NSFW! Click Track 11 to check it out, or click the other tracks to catch up! 

I've still been steadily writing Rock Cocks pages after finally getting over my writer's block. I'm waaay ahead in regards to the script now. Like, months ahead. And even though this wasn't something that I really doubted or was forgetting or anything, all this writing is just a great reminder for me of just how much I love working on this comic. I absolutely love Rock Cocks. I love the characters we've made, I love the settings we've put them in, and especially the sexy scenarios we've made for them. I'm so lucky to be able to work on a comic I genuinely love alongside the love of my life, and I'm so thankful that you guys make it possible. Thank you all so much!

I asked this on twitter a while ago, but I'm curious about you all: What's been your favorite scene in Rock Cocks so far? Let us know! It's good for us to know what kind of scenes people like the most. See you on Friday!




It's really hard to pick a scene, but I thought the music video was absolutely brilliant. When I saw what was happening I managed to delay myself reading until it was done, and read it all at once; really felt like I was watching the video. That and pretty much everything involving Coral or Dakota, they are precious beans and must be protected 🥰


Wowza...both of you take breaks if you need it! ^u^ I can’t find a specific scene because I love the whole thing so much!! But if I have to say.....ANYTHING involving Seth and Georgie. I love these two so much. (I even have some fanart for them!!)


My favorite scene would be when Steg and Suria are in the desert fucking in the van before it's battery shuts down on page 200 to 205. You know just by looking at this scene that they really love each other. In fact that scene, combined with it's writing, drawing, colors, atmosphere and sweet tender hot sex, brought me a tear to my eye. Dude, I hope that comic never ends.