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Hey there, Groupies and VIPs! So, we haven't quite decided on what to do for last month's pin-ups. We still haven't gotten around to introducing new characters, and we were worried that you guys might be getting tired of Steg and Suria pin-ups. But you guys already know that Elizabeth and Seth are coming soon, and you know what those two look like. So, would you like to see them instead, or would you want more Steg/Suria until the new characters make their official debuts? Vote below! http://strawpoll.me/4023493 We're also welcome to suggestions on what you would like to see your pin-up stars doing in these pictures. You can tell us right in the comments, or if you'd rather not associate your name with whatever lewd suggestions you might have, you can send your thoughts to us anonymously on our tumblr. http://tissueboxcomics.tumblr.com/ask Thanks again! PS: For those who've forgotten what Seth/Elizabeth looks like (it happens!), here's some refreshers. http://41.media.tumblr.com/0626d678562d755f8a6f341913f00de9/tumblr_n9ie11Jv7D1rkgi2bo1_500.png http://41.media.tumblr.com/a662b5eb4f3d7f270d54378248a8165a/tumblr_n9rru1jl531rkgi2bo1_500.png


Straw Poll


Nicholas A. Jalowick

God, I can't wait 'till we get to Elizabeth. Cute glasses girl with long, dark hair. Yes, and more yes.


I've just signed up and can't find the earlier pin-ups. Are they restricted to your sign up date or am I just missing the post?


Once the month's pledges are collected (usually the first or second of the next month, so for this case, beginning of May), I send out a mass-email to the processed patrons with a google drive link to view and/or download them. I highly recommend downloading them, as I delete the link after 30 days. Each month gets a new link with all the old pin-ups plus two new ones.